Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [noun pl] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Forrest plays for the reserves tonight and will welcome the match practice as he has been unable to win his first team place back from Clive Baker .
2 Grimma led the rescue party into the office and listened while Sacco , with many interruptions , recounted the adventure from the time Dorcas , out of sudden terror , had jumped out of the truck and had been carried off the rails just before the train arrived .
3 A yellow van from Movietone News was parked near the gates so that the camera on its roof might film the anti-climax of the drama .
4 Shiona sank against the pillows now and closed her eyes as a rush of sadness went washing through her .
5 They have notches at the sides of the wing covers near the hinges so that the covers can be replaced over the abdomen leaving the wings extended and beating .
6 In this tradition the centre of authority in a family lies with the males rather than the females , although in the predominantly agricultural society in which Hinduism persisted and developed in India , women 's importance in the family economy has always been considerable .
7 Our car is parked with the lights off and is one of many .
8 Most local authorities do not recruit until the months immediately before the vacancy arises although some authorities are increasingly seeing the advantage of recruiting one to two years in advance .
9 The gold letters M O R S encircle the globe , and ultimate judgement is depicted in the heavens above where angels blow the last trumpet and Christ reigns in glory .
10 The class has to come to the cameras rather than the camera going into the classroom .
11 Reporters and Panels had taken care to concentrate on the actualities rather than technicalities .
12 The little one 's heard Mummy pull up on the drive and has come down the stairs well before anyone could say anything he got it out .
13 The pragmatists thus argue that all knowledge is hypothetical and fallible ; that the meaning of concepts must be rooted in their social context ; that we should focus on the consequences rather than the origins of knowledge ; that all distinctions and boundaries to inquiry are relative to the stage of development of the inquiry ; and that the standards or norms of inquiry are developed as part of the process of inquiry .
14 But Apollonius freed himself , shouted to the attendants so that they should witness what was about to happen , and ran to the doors of the shrine .
15 any claim reported to the insurers more than 180 days after the commencement of the incident giving rise to a claim .
16 We have now looked at the figures again and can agree to 10,000 copies of a black and white version of the book selling to you at HK$8 per copy .
17 Their life-style is dominated by the tides rather than the sun and they are adjusted to the tidal , not the solar , day .
18 I was looking through the archives recently and some rather fascinating facts may interest you !
19 In March 1991 the European Court obliged the Italian car manufacturer Alfa Romeo to repay some US$500,000,000 in state loans made during the mid-1980s shortly before it was sold to Fiat .
20 Support for the miners promptly and inevitably began to shrink , especially upon the Conservative back-benches , but he still believes that he is right .
21 This can help them overcome their tendency to listen for the words rather than the message .
22 Taking its way along the high sad wall confining the stableyard , it crossed , by a minute stone-walled bridge ( gateposts in exact relation to its height and arch were built into the walls tight as ingrowing toe-nails ) , the same stream that hurried down the garden hill .
23 Where in registered land a new covenant is given by the wife to the building society a certified copy of the transfer containing the covenant should be lodged with the deeds so that the building society has a proper record there of the wife 's liability , the transfer incorporating the covenant itself being retained at the Land Registry .
24 Where in registered land a new covenant is given by the new husband to the mortgagee , the mortgagee may require a certified copy of the transfer containing the covenant to be lodged with the deeds so that it has a proper record of the liability of the new husband , the transfer incorporating the covenant itself being at the Land Registry .
25 Use to cover the whales , smoothing into the curves gently and tucking around the bodies .
26 If one of the dietary amino acids is made radioactive ( as in the experiment I described in Chapter 2 ) and fed to or injected into an animal , it is incorporated into the proteins just as its fellow , non-radioactive amino acids are , and the proteins become slightly radioactive in their turn by virtue of containing the radioactive amino acid .
27 No work is done in the fields today and Kalchu is sitting in the sun , making a necklace of marigolds by sinking a needle into the yellow hearts and sliding them together along coarse black thread .
28 From his wrinkled face and sunburned skin he looked as though he had risen from the ranks rather than graduating from Saint Cyr or the Ecole Militaire .
29 Developers of electric vehicles around the world would like to see some small concessions granted in the legislations so that ULEVs are not unduly penalised .
30 " There 's only ever been one other person , " I said , stumbling over the words so that they sounded false even to me .
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