Example sentences of "rather [subord] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Rather where such cases do occur it is because the health and social care system can not provide the type of care these patients need .
2 The choice of treatment may be skewed towards that which can be paid for , rather than that which may be in the best interests of or preferred by the patient .
3 Even to have imagined a destination would have been to raise the question , why this place rather than that ?
4 Given this stark choice , the jury decided that the policeman had been deceitful rather than that the woman had been ‘ wicked and false ’ in her evidence .
5 In the Thatcher era , the nation 's leaders seemed now to reflect the ‘ enterprise ’ outlook of finance , banking , and credit rather than that of traditional manufacturing or other industries .
6 A follow-up meeting in December of that year acted upon suggestions made at the earlier gathering , and aimed to ‘ set up opportunities for women to explore new approaches to theatre-making that more profoundly reflect their own experience rather than that of men ’ .
7 There are many reasons why , in the early nineteenth century , different considerations would intrude on the modelling of a dissected female body rather than that of a male , but one conclusion we could draw from these figures is that the human norm is male , and the only reason to look at female bodies is for that which makes them female , i.e. the reproductive system .
8 For most other mutant genes that Stern studied in this way , the abnormality in structure could best be explained by supposing that cells could not respond to the prepattern , rather than that the prepattern itself had changed .
9 As we probe further it will become more and more necessary to re-assess the relationship between the two modes as dialectical rather than that of opposites .
10 Many people 's experience of parents ' evenings seems to be unsatisfactory with parents attending through almost a sense of obligation and duty rather than that of pleasure .
11 The Social Democratic Party considers it to be its positive and principal task to further the self-determination of the proletariat in each nationality rather than that of peoples or nations … it is only in isolated and exceptional cases that we can advance and actively support demands conducive to the establishment of a new class state .
12 Bukharin advanced the case that the right of self-determination be restricted to the ‘ toiling masses ’ , buttressing his argument with quotations from Lenin 's writings that affirmed that the Party 's task was to secure the ‘ self-determination of the working class ’ rather than that of peoples .
13 It seems likely that the party had done so well then that there was little room for further advance , rather than that its performance in 1990 was especially poor .
14 Why do changes like those mentioned above require Government or Local Council action and the work of county planning officers rather than that of individual business people ?
15 The coherence , the progression , one can argue , lies in the eye of the curriculum planner rather than that of the individually different children who experience it haphazardly , often guided into a general context by the pastoral strength of their form tutor who may not always see the whole picture themselves .
16 But experience tells us that adaptive behaviour most often reflects the intelligence of evolution rather than that of the animals it has so carefully programmed .
17 Certainly children are unlikely to challenge adult opinion , being more likely to decide that they are poor readers rather than that a ‘ classic ’ is a poor book .
18 The dominant undertaking will be able to give binding directions to the public company in the light of the group 's overall interest rather than that of the public company alone ( so over-riding the present UK approach of treating companies as separate entities even if they are in a group ) .
19 Why did I do things this way rather than that ?
20 It is twenty times faster , has a larger memory , is thousands of times more reliable , consumes the power of a light bulb rather than that of a locomotive , occupies 1/30,000 the volume and costs 1/10,000 as much .
21 Unusually , the wedding is taking place at the groom 's home rather than that of the bride , whose mother lives in a sizeable mansion outside Newmarket .
22 Joan de Warenne , the lady Anne 's half-sister , rather than that young lady herself , will go with you to the Tower — thus will there be a means of communication between us . ’
23 He and Anne would be living in a house like this one , rather than that neo-Georgian palace .
24 In its treatment of a split in 1980–81 within the people 's Redemption party ( PRP ) , Radio Nigeria decided to recognize Aminu Kano 's leadership rather than that of the rival faction .
25 For the moment , however , it suffices to point out that our usual conception of logic — reasoning things out from abstract first principles — resembles the behaviour of the men in Gilligan 's study rather than that of the women .
26 When an ‘ insular ’ mother responds she is reflecting her total reaction to all the people she meets rather than that particular person ( Dumas and Wahler 1983 ) .
27 ( The Form will allow you to make the garment in almost any yarn , within reason , rather than that used for the original . )
28 It is , however , largely our problem , rather than that of many societies which we study .
29 The same feeling of brooding menace wells up on his version of Presley 's ‘ Heartbreak Hotel ’ , only he decides to leave any anger on hold and transforms the rock ‘ n ’ roll classic into a haunting ballad that sounds as though it came from the pen of Edgar Allan Poe rather than that of Axton , Durden and Presley .
30 The identifiable failures of school science — the anti-science anti-technologists who can see science only as domination rather than that science as domination is itself a historical product , and the mass of people whose schooling teaches them that science is a specialized activity over which they neither have nor could have any control .
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