Example sentences of "when thing [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wilson 's role was to follow up organising efforts which seemed to be failing and to exercise control when things seemed likely to get out of hand .
2 Er we did n't always know what was going on but erm , we did catch the planes when they took off in the morning and we watched them come home in the afternoons and we got some ideas sometimes when things had n't gone quite right and I 'm sure we did share with you in your grief .
3 Meanwhile , I had to go up into the roof and push down the ballcock when things went wrong .
4 Totally involved and identified with the scheme , as chuffed as Nigel when things went well and as disconsolate as he when they did n't .
5 The longest and best of the times when things went well was the one that started in 1945 , when Greece was suddenly the only non-communist country in Europe east of Vienna .
6 The scientists could offer better explanations when things went wrong .
7 The external audit showed an openness to change among the employees and no instant desire to blame other departments when things went wrong .
8 Four weeks pregnant , she was standing in line waiting to pay for her first maternity dress when things began to go wrong .
9 We are therefore presented with a book which was not ‘ written in order … but like as the matter came to the creature in mind … for it was so long ere it was written that she had forgotten the time and the order when things befell ’ .
10 ‘ It was Wyatt who introduced Johnny to Fergie two years ago — and that 's when things took off , ’ says Taki .
11 The great benefit to the government of the present system is that the City finances it and receives a large share of the blame when things go wrong .
12 But I said that it is always a good sign when things go wrong before the night .
13 And because of its anxiety , the stallion will try to mount the mare too soon , or from too far away , and may try and attack her or the handler when things go wrong .
14 Efforts must be made to limit damage when things go wrong in the classroom .
15 Written guidelines were wanted for all tasks so that there are no recriminations when things go wrong .
16 That may be the norm , but , of course , there is also the abnorm when things go wrong , when the fire gets out of control , when , perhaps , the fire brigade has been over worked , or could n't find their way for cigarette smoke , or for all that saturated fat that clogged up the wheels of their tenders .
17 George Benton , who like most good trainers is not short of excuses when things go wrong , does n't attempt to defend his man 's performance on that occasion .
18 The result may be alternative proposals at the start ( e.g. , Mig-15 , Yak-25 ) or reinsurance when things go awry in mid-course .
19 All of us are very good at blaming ourselves if things go wrong and feeling upset , but we must be fair with ourselves and take the credit when things go well .
20 Nevertheless , it is the Home Secretary who has to face Parliament when things go wrong , whether incidents occur in the Metropolitan Police area or elsewhere .
21 And because of this we have a choice where to alter the theory when things go wrong at the observational level .
22 Statutory duties invariably take precedence over other aspects of the work and because of the publicity surrounding cases of child abuse , and the tendency to blame social workers when things go wrong , a disproportionate share of the energies and resources of SSDs is devoted to work with children .
23 Do you feel a victim when things go wrong in life ?
24 The Prison Service is in this business of when things go wrong we have a full enquiry to learn the lessons .
25 Finally , a multi-finned heatsink keeps the amp cool when things get hot .
26 But seriously , you do need the cooperation of your family if you are aiming for something very ambitious because we all need support and encouragement when things get tough .
27 I 'll let you know when things get going again .
28 They 're building it so that they can control events in the whole of South America when things get really tough .
29 On certain nights , when things got very late and very heavy , Madame would go to bed and leave us to it there under the stars .
30 In Spain , about the only times when things got put in this much perspective were when Nirvana were actually playing — Madrid was still below-par , frenzy-wise , but a thrilling experience purely because the audience was so enthused by it all — and when I finally interviewed Dave , Chris and Kurt .
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