Example sentences of "when [noun] begin " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the pattern of cleavage is both highly ordered and complex and there are fewer cells at the time when gastrulation begins .
2 This ‘ cleanness ’ was not an exclusively English taste ( even if it is elaborated for us in the poems of an exceptional writer ) , for Sir Gawayn and the Green Knight is outstandingly ‘ French ’ among the English romances and gives a superbly articulate voice to international courtly values at a time when art-historians begin to speak of an International Style in the visual arts .
3 ( Chlorine , though , already one of the main commodity businesses when ICI began in the 1920s , still accounts for a remarkable 12% of total sales ; the proportion will be reduced by last month 's decision to shut two chlorine plants at Hillhouse , Lancashire . )
4 As a result of a test marketing exercise conducted since February , when discussions began with Transtech , 16 systems have already been sold in Japan .
5 That was when Kelly began arranging her funeral .
6 England were soon losing wickets when play began , four going down for 80 ; but then Lamb and Robin Smith , on debut , showed what could be done , and on the Friday morning posted a century partnership and looked good for plenty more .
7 This remained a crucial obstacle until well into the 1960s , when attempts began to synthesise the two ideologies , in what has become known as Liberation Theology .
8 The story of fluorescent lighting goes back to 1930 when research began at the GEC research laboratories in Wembley .
9 It 's all a far-cry from when Richard began his career at the BBC as a newsreader .
10 As Barker and McGregor point out , however , land-use practices have also played a significant role in landscape change since colonial times when deforestation began .
11 It is bad news when youngsters begin to play truant from school .
12 It was the last straw for teachers at Faringdon School this morning , when contractors began lopping branches from a row of beech trees .
13 It was not a fun place any more and doors were already slamming shut to the hundreds of young hopefuls hanging around outside the studio gates about the time when Nicholson began his search for work .
14 It was that time of year when England began to prepare for the Guy Fawkes celebrations of 5 November .
15 Smith , dismissed twice by Aussie wonder boy Shane Warne during the Old Trafford Test defeat , had a couple of lengthy net sessions at Lord 's yesterday when England began their preparation for round two of the Ashes battle .
16 It was on the morning when registration began that I had my fatal encounter .
17 The prosecution also alleged that in the early hours of Nov. 24 , 1986 , when investigators began searching the National Security Council offices for documents relating to the affair , Poindexter had erased more than 5,000 files from the memory of his computer .
18 We saw in Chapter 1 that , in Britain , there is some dispute as to when rehabilitation began to make serious inroads into penal practice : Foucault saw it as manifesting itself in the rise of the prison as the dominant penal institution ; Garland puts it much later , in the early part of this century .
19 It was nearly twelve when Mama began to burp the baby .
20 For in 1920 , when Binyon began work towards his version of the Inferno , he exchanged letters with Hewlett , who had translated the first canto years before , and now urged Binyon to shorten his measure to tetrameters , pointing out that this was what he himself had done in his ‘ Song of the Plough ’ , a long poem in terza rima in which he had invested a great deal .
21 The day was overcast and it was becoming difficult to see what he was typing , so , about noon , when imagination began to fail him , he walked up to the house to inquire from Dorothy whether Isobel would mind if he had better lighting installed in the garage , provided he paid far it .
22 Four weeks pregnant , she was standing in line waiting to pay for her first maternity dress when things began to go wrong .
23 Secord was a patriot , North reassured Owen when Owen began to have his doubts .
24 It was all very different from his life of the past year , when Sunday began at about noon in a room that smelled of bed , crawled sluggishly through an afternoon of too many newspapers , and , in final desperation , sought escape at a film or some theatre club .
25 That was when Tweed began running and running and running .
26 Interest in the UK began in the early 1960s when firms began to experiment with interactive graphics using mainframe computers .
27 Waley 's book is mainly based on documentary sources and he wisely concentrates on the period after 1150 , when sources begin to be copious .
28 In 1948 , when Amicus began , Robert Jeffery , Managing Director , said :
29 And ever afterwards , when Father began to criticise my general angling inability , I could always stop him , instantly , by muttering under my breath the word ‘ Brora ’ .
30 In the 1920s , when astronomers began to look at the spectra of stars in other galaxies , they found something most peculiar : there were the same characteristic sets of missing colours as for stars in our own galaxy , but they were all shifted by the same relative amount toward the red end of the spectrum .
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