Example sentences of "when [noun] become " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise best distinguished from Common and Arctic by all black bill ( except from midsummer to early autumn , when base becomes red ) , and distinctive harsh , grating ‘ aach , aach ’ call note .
2 But , like so many other dairy breeds , the Guernsey suffered a sharp decline in the UK when Friesians became dominant .
3 The Amstrad PCW he bought for writing letters when handwriting became too difficult has given him a new interest in life .
4 ( Admittedly the exhibition When Attitudes Become Form was organised by Harald Szeeman in 1969 for the Bern Kunsthalle , but when it cam to the ICA [ again with Hesse in a crowd of men ] the catalogue was re-written by Charles Harrison. ) 11 Woman artists here were energised by activities and writings from the States , and it is not insignificant that Susan Hiller , and the influential Mary Kelly , came to this country from America .
5 It remains true that we do not know when Marseilles became the main receiving point of the tin which was carried on horseback for thirty days from the British Channel .
6 He says that it is ‘ difficult to say when omnipotence becomes powerlessness ’ .
7 We plan to replace this machine when funds become available some time in 1993/94 with an upgraded machine .
8 I think we have answered 2a , and we will supply a printer when funds become available .
9 We can date the ‘ oxygen revolution ’ — the time when oxygen became an important gas in the Earth 's atmosphere — fairly precisely : it occurred about 410 million years ago .
10 City centre lodging houses and ‘ casual wards ’ run by local authorities housed many thousands of vagrants at night , but during the Second World War , when work became plentiful , the numbers dropped to a few thousand .
11 ‘ It 's the one time when Tara becomes almost quiet .
12 Anorexia nervosa , which is W. 's current problem , first manifested itself in June 1990 when W. became obsessive about her schoolwork , wanted to leave school and began losing weight .
13 The distinction crystallized in the eighteenth century , at a time when Nature became a category worthy of study , a distinct entity in the projects of the Enlightenment .
14 Heywood ( 1984 ) typifies the fauna of antarctic lakes and ponds as non-specific opportunists , feeding on epiphytes , detritus and bacteria , that encyst or produce resting eggs when conditions become severe .
15 The secret was kept until 1690 , when evidence became public that both Charles II and James II had stated that Eikon Basilike was ‘ none of the King 's making , but by Dr Gauden ’ .
16 Mr Lee , 66 , leader of the ruling People 's Action Party , has held the office since 1959 when Singapore became a self-governing state .
17 It is when positions become polarized between non-disabled feminists and disabled activists that it is seemingly lost .
18 The club had been the subject of sustained criticism since October 1988 , when Hibs became the first Scottish football team to be quoted on the Stock Exchange .
19 There is an oscillation between light and darkness but no particular moment of time when day becomes night or night day ; as I walk across the landscape I may sometimes be on a hill top and sometimes in a valley bottom but at no point does the surface of the earth come to an end .
20 In place of these grand documents are ‘ rolling programmes ’ that are revised each year , and the even more prosaic procedures of periodic adjustments in response to perceived needs and anomalies when resources become available — the classic ‘ incremental ’ approach of local government .
21 During the Second World War , when Sherif became a psychologist , women were much more numerous among psychological testers than experimenters .
22 Of course Jed should not have tried to come between us ; it was a counter-revolutionary act on his part , Trotskyite even , when you think about it , but in that act was Praxis , the moment when theory becomes practice , and you should not have interfered . ’
23 According to Gandhi , it is when symbols become fetishes and embodiments of the divine , that they might be construed as idols .
24 It was only when Mary became a Christian that the devil came to stake a claim to his own property .
25 The unfortunate side of religion is when people become fanatical about their faith and they believe so strongly in something that they feel the need to prove it to others .
26 Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu reportedly attempted to persuade Ozawa , his main ally and patron , not to give up the secretary-general 's post ( which he had held since August 1989 when Kaifu became Prime Minister — see p. 36850 ) .
27 D. When ships became larger , the merchants had to have new docks for them .
28 Post 1992 when Europe becomes an area without internal frontiers , in which the free movement of goods is assured , one centrally located manufacturing and distribution base will suffice .
29 Unless UK education is rapidly improved by 1993 when Europe becomes a single market enabling the better qualified to move freely in the employment market , the situation for our future citizens is grim indeed .
30 Thus from this moment , the beginning of the classical period , when bronze becomes the favourite material for freestanding statues , the number of originals which has come down to us is sadly small .
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