Example sentences of "when [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 By December , when payment had been delayed using various excuses , Feigen began to get suspicious and sent letters directly to the museum .
2 Usually silent , except in spring , when drake has insistent ‘ speer , speer ’ and harsh ‘ quee-reek ’ , and duck a typical guttural diving-duck ‘ kurr ’ .
3 In the 16th century , when Antwerp had a population of 100,000 , it became the world 's busiest port because it welcomed merchants from England , Germany , Portugal and Spain .
4 By an effort of memory she could just recall a time when money had been plentiful , and her father — then strong and well — had spent it with a gay extravagance which had delighted her as a small child .
5 In his pro-natalist policy it can be seen that Hitler was continuing trends that began around 1918 when Germany had the lowest birth rate in Europe .
6 Now , at a time when recession has badly hit ad hoc charter revenues , the Royal Mail reorganisation has thrown this sector of the industry into chaos .
7 ( 2 ) When ducks have their eyes open they are awake ( Lendrem uses the ‘ I know what 's happening term ’ ‘ vigilante ’ . )
8 Davies added that she had been present at a phone conversation in December when Doyle had assured one of the players that all $300,000 of the prizemoney was ‘ in the bank . ’
9 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
10 On the few occasions when Fernando had some pressing business to attend to she was able to put her own mind to work and make a few valuable contacts for the agency but the majority of her time was spent with her love .
11 His eye had regained its clarity , and his head its proud poise , as in the days when Norbury had accompanied him in his Prussian crusade with the Teutonic knights , long ago .
12 This project of revitalising the moral ground of liberalism was particularly important at a time when industrialisation had destroyed traditional sources of social cohesion by cutting individuals off from their fellow citizens and reducing their opportunities for self-expression through economic specialisation .
13 Finland 's principal breed since 1960 , originally derived from 1,600 Ayrshire cattle imported direct from Scotland between 1847 and 1923 , since when importations have ceased , though some semen has been brought in from Britain , the USA and Norway in recent years .
14 Water Rails are more generally distributed in winter , when birds have recently been recorded in up to 20 inland localities in one winter , more than in any one breeding season .
15 Amsterdam was frowning , suddenly recalling the number of social occasions when Honor had contrived to be at his elbow .
16 Until 1321 , parliament had been used by the king 's opponents as an occasion when pressure might be brought to bear upon him ; to the king , parliament was an inescapable necessity when taxes had to be raised but otherwise was of little significance .
17 Across the water , the loud hailers were blaring and squealing as they had in the winter , when Tzani-bey had caught and herded the Order .
18 Something of the flavour appears in a cryptic note sent from North to Rafsanjani late in 1986 , when Ghorbanifar had been dropped from the equation and replaced by a more promising-seeming young Iranian official , the ‘ Second Channel ’ .
19 The most easily dyed materials are wool and silk ; cotton and linen are difficult as they are made primarily of cellulose , being obtained from plants , rather than animal protein , and are better reserved for the time when experience has been obtained with dyeing wool .
20 It was when Peggy had come back firmly , stating that it was n't , that it was only the beginning , that Mrs Funnell had told her definitely which side she was on .
21 No doubt we shall find out , but what seems to be true of this moment — 1989 , when photography has reached the 150 year point — is that many different kinds of photographic image-making co-exist and ore of equal validity .
22 But it was after the war , when Magnus had driven the enemy from the land and he 'd been hailed as the new Emperor , that he performed what was to be his most significant act .
23 Her mother of course was aware that fifteen does not relish the solitude that fifty does , and came back from the village one day when Peony had been particularly silent and lumpish , with the news that Mrs Price who kept an antique shop had her grandchildren staying with her , and she was invited to go round and play tennis with them and have tea .
24 The moment when Pascoe had sat down and taken a sip of the wine !
25 There were , of course , short periods of brisk demand when clothiers had to pay higher rates , as in 1760 , when one Wiltshire clothier noted in his diary : " we have this year a very great trade , which has thrown the country into a strange hurry , even into a kind of madness in trade .
26 She thought of that first lunchtime , when Roman had appeared on her mother 's terrace with Stephanie at his side .
27 She just waited until the storm was over , when she pulled a clean handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it to Annunziata , remembering with a tiny moment of irrepressible pleasure the time when David had done the same for her .
28 Rachel was invited to join them and she was happy to do so , but for the rest of the day she could n't forget that moment when David had moved so close to her ; she could n't forget the look in his eyes , a look that had implied that the conclusions drawn by others about his intentions towards her could be well founded .
29 However , his co-chairman Lord Owen , appointed by the European Community , warned that peace talks could not go on forever , saying there would come a time when action had to be taken by the international community .
30 The construction perhaps derives some small support from Part IV which provides that ‘ concentrate of poppy-straw ’ means the material produced [ commentator 's italics ] when poppy-straw has entered into a process for the concentration of its alkaloids . ’
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