Example sentences of "few [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It does n't get any easier ’ , confessed Slack , a theme reiterated by quite a few during the competition , especially those playing from memories of yesteryear glories .
2 ‘ I 've met quite a few during the past five years , ’ he agreed smoothly .
3 Sigarup and Murti Lāl followed the last few through the gap , whistling long and low , a final command to stop and be still .
4 Our sixty-four arrests included a few for the traditional crimes of burglary ( but now at chemist 's shops ) , forgery ( but of NHS prescriptions , not bank notes ) , as well as the new offences of unlawful possession of amphetamine or LSD .
5 It can also be likened to the world envisaged by Hassan 's ‘ new gnostics ’ , who see the future as a vast network of information systems produced , as Brooke-Rose points out , by the few for the many ( see section 2.1 above ) .
6 No matter how she might have to count the pennies she could always spare a few for the bright yellow flowers which reminded her of home .
7 And the children 's things , have got quite a few for the have n't I ?
8 And few amid the rural tribe have time
9 Interpretation of iconography , the historical context of works , or personal information about sitters for portraits are only a few of the varied topics which can be spelt out in catalogues .
10 Small numbers of aphids and other soft-bodied insects can be quickly rubbed off plants , while a forcible spray from a hose-pipe will disperse larger colonies , few of the insects surviving to climb back up the plant .
11 Stead argues that only constant inquiry ( for which I could substitute ‘ inside ethnography ’ ) can prevent such an unacceptable trend , and it is some comfort to see a probationary policewoman , such as Cressida Dick ( 1985 ) , pointing out the political compromises such autocracy can produce , but which few of the chief officers seem willing to admit or even acknowledge .
12 ‘ Just a few of the chaps and chapesses , darling , ’ over the phone in the late afternoon when she had purged wine stains and ashtrays , boxed up the empties , made the kitchen immaculate yet again .
13 Maybe we can talk quietly to a few of the men — one of the masons from Ballechin has a son who must be twenty . ’
14 Yet all we seem to have heard , either from a few of the more militant leading players or their representatives in recent months , has been the cry ‘ We want more . ’
15 Let me outline a few of the obstacles :
16 These are but a few of the hazards that can wreck the look and expression of the choreographic design .
17 Although Allied have been working steadily to free or sell their required quota of pubs under government rules , few of the disposals have come from the 700-plus London estate of Taylor Walker .
18 Being a regular to the attractions of the Continent and its sunnier climes , I started by skimming through and picking out a few of the relatively recent crags that I have visited , such as Ceuse & Oppede le Vieux : they are in — fine .
19 Few of the canvases are primarily concerned with landscape , but it tends to find its way into most of them .
20 PENNED-IN by steel barriers between a noisy crowd of gay liberationists and the lonely emissary of the oppressed African Dinkas , few of the street-corner causes besieging this week 's conference seem as hopeless as the campaign for Labour to organise in Ulster .
21 Many of the gags expire when extended beyond a comic-strip frame , and few of the clever puns which have secured Asterix an adult following , survive translation .
22 ‘ For many farmers it spells financial disaster and few of the smaller ones have recovered .
23 Many of the gags expire when extended beyond a comic-strip frame , and few of the clever puns which have secured Asterix an adult following , survive translation .
24 I knew a few of the Marines .
25 The constant mortaring and shelling of the area had dislodged a few of the corpses and the flies and mosquitoes were everywhere .
26 During those early years of the colony 's existence we received very few of the homeless children who had grown accustomed to street wandering .
27 She had met him at one of those dinner parties which had now become the nexus of her social life , replacing conferences and meetings , although few of the individuals had changed .
28 He has very few of the traditional trappings of the successful captain of industry .
29 Second , few of the evaluations discuss the donors ' own role in promoting some of the weaknesses in project design .
30 They were a lot of car for the money , too , remember , with character and a few of the rough edges that are inevitable with a true specialist car .
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