Example sentences of "place [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It remained in place only a few minutes more , When the Commanding Officer ordered not only a change of the command team which had built it , but a change of design as well .
2 But as his success within the Movement , within the German State , and on the international stage grew until it knew no bounds , so the self-deception of the ‘ conviction ’ ideologist magnified to the extent that it ultimately consumed all traces of the calculating and opportunist politician , leaving in its place only a voracious appetite for destruction — and ultimately self-destruction .
3 As a direct consequence of that success , we believe that the inaugural World Sevens , taking place only a few miles from the company headquarters in Perth and with its strong Scottish flavour through its base at Murrayfield , ideally suited for The Famous Grouse .
4 Patti Johnson brought Mong Twerpster across the finish line in third place only a fraction of a second behind Allen .
5 The old Minpin climbed out of his window and walked straight down the big steeply sloping branch , then up another branch until he found a place only a few inches from Little Billy 's face .
6 The last exchange of messages took place only a few seconds later when the tower asked the height of the aircraft ; on receiving the reply " 1,400 on the QNH " the tower controller observed : " I think you are to the south of the field " .
7 In its place only a sense of duty and a wish to be of help to the people she had come to love kept Shelley from despair .
8 But from those earliest days , she had n't believed in the Church at all ; not one scrap , not one iota , and this was why she 'd been so surprised to discover herself in such a place only the previous morning .
9 Well , in the first place obviously the size of the sex cell Er , er its genes , the size of the sex cell , the food it gives its offspring , the protection it gives it , the transportation , education , instruction , protection , er you name it erm whatever the parent does , in the case of birds , warmth is a major factor , incubating the eggs .
10 ‘ We had a riot and the bloody natives burned part of the place down a week before it was due to open .
11 for the attempt at fusion took place just a month before the post-war boom began to collapse .
12 The sitters are evidently at their ease , and in the background we see a representation of the Dutch House at Kew , a favourite place just a few miles from London where they could escape from the formalities of public life .
13 Although the attack by a young Jew on the German Legation Secretary in Paris , Ernst vom Rath , had taken place just the day before his usual address to the Party ‘ old guard ’ in Munich on 8 November 1935 , Hitler avoided all mention of it in his speech .
14 When you talked to judges in the Sixties , they might have told you they did n't happen at all or would be willing to concede that a miscarriage might take place once every 10 years . ’
15 Staff meetings take place once a week for one to two hours and rotate between Tuesdays and Thursdays to ensure maximum attendance by part-time staff .
16 The first race was held here in 1519 , and today it takes place once a year , on the third Tuesday of each March .
17 But on the whole it is easy to value paintings by Japanese artists as they paint similar subjects , and new prices are set by the dealers ' auction which takes place once a month at the Tokyo Bijutsu Club , of which most big dealers are members .
18 If these contracts require consent to assign or novate the purchaser may insist that completion only takes place once a specified number of consents have been given or , in particular , consents in relation to the most important contracts comprising a specified percentage of annual turnover .
19 The festival takes place once a year , usually in March .
20 ‘ Look , Dorothy , I hired you because I thought you might shake the place up a bit , so if you are unhappy here , that 's at least partly my fault .
21 But when she had asked if they could n't warm the place up a bit with some pretty colors , Dr. Briant had said sharply that they had to avoid confusing their color appreciation tests later , and she 'd have all the color she wanted then .
22 Might freshen the place up a bit , thought Nelly , stepping out into the storm .
23 We usually have to queue up in the rain because Mr Barnes — our ‘ Supa-Tuta ’ — keeps the door locked until his arrival , to prevent vandalism ( although there are those who think that a spot of creative vandalism would smarten the place up a bit ! ) .
24 But he could n't enlighten them : he only had orders to ‘ paint the place up a bit ’ .
25 He would walk in a day before a College hop and say , ‘ Good heavens : We must tart the place up a bit .
26 ‘ Tidy this place up a bit , will you ? ’
27 Those young people , well , they did talk a bit loudly and show off , but they always had a smile and a pleasant word , and they did brighten the place up a bit , you could n't deny it .
28 We need a bit of posh to tart the place up a bit . ’
29 ‘ Cheer the place up a bit , you mean ? ’
30 I clambered up into the loft , all sunlight and warmth and smelling of old and interesting books , and I decided to clear the place up a bit .
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