Example sentences of "although i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I can do it standing on my head , although I wo n't .
2 ‘ Produce your bit of paper , ’ he rapped out , ‘ and , although I wo n't go so far as to give your eventual marriage my blessing , at least I 'll let it run its natural course .
3 " Well , I 'll do it for you , Hazel , although I 'll probably get my head bitten off .
4 And all I what my my parting statement to most people , although I 'll say it right now because I 've started it , erm is that if you 're prepared to listen to the advice given by the people who 've been doing er selling advertising in these environments
5 Erm so erm what we 've got then is is the the idea of ah looking at some kind of behavioural analysis , although I 'll got into behavioural analysis in just a few minutes .
6 Davison 's manager Tommy Conroy said last night : ‘ Benichou 's people have asked for an extra couple of weeks and , although I 'll have to discuss it with John first , I think we 'll agree .
7 That 's just me it 's that if your first name , although I 'll probably cross that out .
8 Of course she does n't know what my life was like for six years or so , although I may get round to telling her , in time .
9 Although I may not have got near to the ‘ God ’ of that particular place , those hundreds of hours spent in chapel were not wasted .
10 Although I may be seeming to make light of my brain 's struggles , there is a serious side to it .
11 I shall not be gratified for a benefit , although I may return it in the hope of future benefits ; similarly I shall not avenge injuries except as a deterrent to future injuries .
12 The methods also suggest a similar technique , although I may be stretching a point . ’
13 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
14 Although I may be a bad man , I 'd never bribe anyone to marry , as you 've tried to .
15 If my servant , acting bona fide within the scope of his authority , procures or causes me to break a contract which I have made with you , you can not sue the servant for interference with the contract ; for he is my alter ego here , and I can not be sued for inducing myself to break a contract , although I may be liable for breaking the contract .
16 Although I may be forced to . ’
17 Although I may be mistaken .
18 Apart from the public launch , the campaign seems to have not been extended to seeking actual local authority support , although I may be wrong on this .
19 ‘ I accept your favour , my lady , although I may not wear it on my sleeve as a true knight should .
20 I will not give way at the moment , although I may later .
21 Leeds bought him 2 years ago I think … although I may be wrong — he was nt on schoolboy forms or anything .
22 Chris Goodenough , 19 , student ( above ) : ‘ I prefer the Seventies style , although I would wear this top . ’
23 Living with the family in Richmond is bewildering , and although I would never admit it I feel as though I have made a big mistake .
24 As a penance , she became a hangman , although I would have thought she would more likely have become a candidate for hanging .
25 Nevertheless , I considered most carefully what might be the most opportune occasion to bring the matter up with him ; for although I would not for one moment , as I say , suspect Mr Farraday of inconsistency , it nevertheless made sense not to broach the topic when he was preoccupied or distracted .
26 Unlike a sport like skiing , the considerable risks are not matched with sufficient exhilaration to kindle my interest , although I would n't say no if a boyfriend were to slip naked into one of those clanking climbing harnesses after a hot bath and a glass of wine .
27 Conceivably ( although I would reserve the point ) in an extreme case the court might have to decline to try the issues .
28 Although I would be one of the first to congratulate anyone who can demonstrate the reality of ley lines , the recent article by Paul Devereux and Robert Forrest ( ’ Straight lines on an ancient landscape , ’ 23 December .
29 Personally I find the authentic sound of a French orchestra irresistible , although I would advise listening to Disc 2 , track 1 ( the Pavane pour une infante défunte ) .
30 Skinner 's notes to the final disc in the Christchurch recordings of the Byrd masses skate over the exact reasons for this change of pitch and , although I would agree that the brighter sound of trebles has the greater immediate impact than men 's voices alone , it could be argued that if this Mass was ever used , it would most likely have been performed by solo voices or a small and musically skinned ensemble gathered to celebrate a recusant Roman service , probably without the participation of boys .
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