Example sentences of "system [that] [is] " in BNC.

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1 As Chuck explains , ‘ Any system that 's rated sets a tone , a feeling , and that 's what we 're after . ’
2 ‘ It 's easy to opt for a system that 's flavour of the month .
3 And a brake system that 's anything but heart-stopping .
4 A ventilation system that 's capable of changing the cabin air three times a minute .
5 3DMENU is a simply but effective menuing system that 's ideal for organizing your disk collection as well as forming a friendly front-end to access all your programs .
6 Erm it is admitted that people are gon na have go much further to get their treatment ah , that was quite clearly stated as part of the the down side of it , and I do n't think we can tolerate that until we 've got a decent public transport system that 's going to allow patients to get by public transport from here to Colchester or Witham or Clacton or wherever and er and their , their relatives and friends to be able to follow to visit them if you know , as necessary .
7 Erm so you need to develop a system that 's going to always give you a method and is always making the work easier for you and not getting you lost .
8 If you want to , if you start building a system that 's gon na record every variation that 's issued to the client and
9 A dimension that gives you a more effective heating system that 's cheaper to run — Total Heating with Central Control .
10 No , it 's educational system that 's wrong
11 British films are too rarely good , not because of national character , but because of a production system that is inadequate to the task of generating a regular output of full-blooded films .
12 Government compounds all these problems when it sets down working parameters which fail to reflect the value the country gets from a system that is run efficiently , can shift people to destinations with exemplary speed and safety — as Europe consistently demonstrates .
13 Having so long regarded our intelligence as supreme , perhaps we should now consider the possibility that other creatures may be equally intelligent and possess a communication system that is beyond our comprehension .
14 They just needed encouragement , incentive and a system that is outward-looking too .
15 As a free society we must have a justice system that is fair , accessible and responsible to the citizen .
16 The income the garbage pickers receive for each item is extremely low and reduced even further by the competition between them , which is encouraged by the system that is very much a buyer 's market .
17 The financial support of the state apparatus and the ‘ spoils and patronage ’ system that is a part of it , lies in mining , not in small farmer production .
18 this freedom we talk about is worthy of their support because it is for them we fight ; it is for the establishment of a social system that is going to provide them with the opportunity and the means to develop all that is best in them and the Nation .
19 Ian Hay leads his troops of visiting anglers with similar verve and spirit , and fishing at Scourie is organised with almost military precision ; using a system that is exclusive to the hotel and which is being increasingly emulated by other Scottish fishing establishments .
20 To cope with the traditional use of variable hours , so that the period of daylight always comprised twelve , Andronicus is thought to have used a system that is described in detail by his Roman contemporary , the architect Vitruvius .
21 Read about the benefits of stereo television and the launch of BSB — the satellite broadcasting system that is set to revolutionise home entertainment .
22 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
23 The sampler uses a pneumatic dosing system that is capable of a suction height of 8m , and the sampler is capable of taking probes form sewage plants , rivers , sewers and factory effluent with sample volumes ranging from 20 to 330 ml .
24 Ideally , it will reflect the characteristics of the model , eg comprise a series of interrelated subsystems , have resources for its own use , an expectation of continuity , and be part of a wider system that is influenced by the surrounding environment .
25 Cotton is convinced Clarks has a unique system that is way ahead of any competition .
26 Conversely , it is the weak CV system that is easy prey to high blood pressure , coronary attack , colds , viruses , and other diseases .
27 The game is for the players to find out the system that is used .
28 In a system that is lightly-stocked problems like these should not occur , but accidents will happen and your system 's ability to deal with them will be put to the test .
29 No one can escape the knowledge that we occupy that ‘ real world ’ , defined by profit and loss , the bottom line of an accounting system that is inflexible and unappealable .
30 It is the system that is at fault here , and what 1 think is so appalling is the fact that children can be removed from their families and their environment without one single shred of evidence .
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