Example sentences of "to have a new " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's so nice to have a new look ’ , added Clare .
2 Denis Taylor : ‘ We decided we were going to have a new singer and hold auditions , the idea being that we would go to the old club we used to play in called La Discothéque , which was in Wardour Street , not far from the Whiskey-a-GoGo .
3 Tokyo is to have a new underground line .
4 JOHN BERRY , 54 , who was released on parole last week after serving three and a half years of a six-year sentence for making explosive devices , is to have a new appeal hearing in his long-running legal battle to clear his name .
5 JOHN BERRY , 54 , who was released on parole last week after serving three and a half years of a six-year sentence for making explosive devices , is to have a new appeal hearing in his long-running legal battle to clear his name .
6 You do n't have to have a new baby to need someone to talk to and if that is the case , I can still find you a sympathetic ear .
7 ‘ I was thinking , ’ she began with caution , clearing her throat , ‘ that in time you might like to have a new daddy . ’
8 The kids were going through the practical joke stage and , having exhausted their repertoire on us , were delighted to have a new victim .
9 They closed into a scrum and after much teeth-sucking and muttering announced that they 'd like to have a new biopsy performed on the splendid , raised node on my thigh .
10 THE equine star of BBC 's Trainer has been sold at Ascot Sales and is to have a new career as a three-day eventer .
11 In answer to the second question ; Christ is Paul 's loving Redeemer and the Giver of the Spirit empowering Paul to have a new way of life .
12 If you were to have a new one delivered tomorrow , how would you like to learn how it works ?
13 So that was how I came to have a new dress and boots and a real ribbon for my hair instead of the usual string .
14 Announcing a third year of increased profits , managing director Anthony Mackintosh tells me : ‘ We plan to have a new front entrance , so in the evening it 's not quite so like Twickenham . ’
15 YOU can tell how serious is the crisis within the Republican party — they 've persuaded Barbara Bush to have a new hairdo …
16 She has to have a new crystal . ’
17 Although Henry 's desire to have a new wife and greater control over the English church was the primary incentive for the schism , Cromwell and the members of Anne Boleyn 's faction were also keen to bring about reform of the church ( see Chapters 4 and 6 ) .
18 Today , the rose , especially the H.T. and its offspring , the Floribunda , is very big business indeed , and played for huge winnings , with large multi-national companies paying fortunes to have a new rose variety given the company name .
19 What are the prospects for mining specialist Bernard Pache hanging on to the top job at state-owned Compagnie des Machines Bull SA now that France is to have a new administration ?
20 ‘ We 're just about to have a new camera and darkroom ’ , he said , ‘ and then we shall only be about ten years behind the times . ’
21 ‘ My most important ambition in life was to have a new sports car every year , things like this . ’
22 ‘ Fact of the matter is , ’ her father told Artemis when he took her aside before lunch on Boxing Day , ‘ you 're to have a new mother .
23 ‘ And now I 'm to have a new mama , and I do n't really like her one bit . ’
24 We 'll have to have a new carpet and different chairs and table .
25 To have a new example , consider the statement that ( A ) since it is raining , the balcony is wet .
26 One way in which gender , ethnicity and class have been seen to fit together is as a consequence of capitalist social relations : women are exploited in the workplace because of the benefit that employers derive from this , and in the home because employers need to have a new generation of workers produced as cheaply as possible .
27 The King 's Men had to have a new play for a special day like that .
28 Novell hopes to have a new version of DR DOS out by the middle of this year .
29 Er when you did get a suit it had to be kept for Sunday , for going to chapel you see , and if you were going to have a new suit it would always be at anniversary time , you did n't get one every anniversary .
30 When he met him in the office , or on the stairs , his habitually offensive glance seemed to have a new dimension of thoughtfulness .
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