Example sentences of "to have very [det] " in BNC.

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1 Was it ‘ against the national interest ’ to have very many foreign programmes ?
2 He did n't seem to have very many friends amongst the other prisoners .
3 ‘ She did not seem to me to have very much insight , ’ Alida said bitterly , ‘ I doubt if she could assess a human situation very accurately , I doubt if she would know where the truth of a matter lay . ’
4 Handel , hymns and hospitals do not at first appear to have very much in common , but the first two have helped maintain the latter , in at least two places , for 100 years .
5 Even if this interpretation is correct , however , the section is not likely to have very much effect on the way companies operate in practice .
6 And also it , it intensifies the erm demand on housing stock , because none of those people are gon na be in a position to have very much choice when it come when it comes to finding somewhere to live .
7 Miles did n't seem to have very much to do in the bits she watched .
8 Whether you are starting to decorate a first home , have just moved into a new place or are redecorating an existing room , the problem is often much the same : not so much how to arrange things as how to fill up big blank walls and table or shelf surfaces when you do n't seem to have very much to use and certainly very little to spend .
9 All the animals are in their cages , but they do n't seem to have very much space , and some of them have n't been fed properly for a long time .
10 You did n't seem to have very much luck with these last two did you ?
11 After almost 10 years in University history teaching I was concerned that my students seemed to have very little idea of how history actually came to be written and of what criteria might be used to decide whether one book was more worth reading than another .
12 The space they have to grow in seems to have very little to do with the size they can achieve .
13 Finally , with considerable reluctance , I suggested that his faith seemed to have very little foundation and that without more understanding to match his enthusiasm he was in danger of being tripped by the questions of life — let alone by those of his fellow students .
14 Thus , twenty years ago , and already bemoaning what had happened in ‘ the last twenty years ’ , the BMA was to be found rehearsing the familiar diagnoses of the ‘ new ’ youth problem — most of which appeared to have very little to do with medical science .
15 These ‘ norms ’ have been shown to have very little relevance to the commercial 's subsequent marketplace performance , even if they are derived solely for the particular brand being advertised , and it is by no means clear what is actually being measured : it is certainly not the effectiveness of the commercial in the marketplace .
16 In philosophy , for example , there are numerous discussions of objects which refer to some observed attribute or perceptual property pertaining to things as such , but books with titles such as Words and Things ( e.g. Brown 1958 ; Gellner 1959 ) will be found to have very little to say about the social implications of things as objects , while having plenty to contribute to an understanding of the nature of words .
17 Outwardly he seemed to have very little interest in me , yet he watched me ; even when he was looking away , he watched me ; and he waited .
18 For me it has become almost comically prolonged , because it seems to have very little to with the colour of my hair .
19 We can get rid of much of it by subduction , but certain Orogenic episodes ( notably the Hercynian ) seem to have very little to show of the ocean floor .
20 Many earthwork complexes turn out in fact to have very little settlement evidence , i.e. village or hamlet remains , but rather more garden or landscaping remains ( Fig. 26 ) , or indications of activities such as rabbit farming .
21 Yet the report is widely agreed to have very little that is tangible to say about how the UK 's environmental stategy is to be taken forward .
22 However , Dr Tim Synott of the Oxford Forestry Institute suggested that plantations might be suitable on some formerly-forested lands that had become so degraded as to have very little biological value .
23 But somehow , wisdom and logic seemed to have very little to do with anything , especially at two o'clock in the morning !
24 I seem to have very little money .
25 Why do we always argue about fishing rights and seem to have very little argument about oil ?
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