Example sentences of "to have [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I know in advance that we 're not going to have that kind of luck but it 's worth a try .
2 Yes , so it 's quite good to have that kind of thing to publicize .
3 It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband 's attempts to flirt ; it must be wonderful , Merrill reflected , stirring her coffee , to have that kind of trust , that complete security in love .
4 I was lucky to have her , to have that kind of — well , enchantment , I suppose . ’
5 ‘ When this thing 's over , I 'm going to have that smartass . ’
6 And however you decorate your spacious new room , it still tends to have that feel of two rooms made into one .
7 But if we act as if we belong to Jesus Christ then we shall be seen to have that plus and others will be attracted to Jesus Christ through us .
8 I was really lucky to have that chance for higher education . ’
9 One of the great benefits of being planted out by a mother church is to have that church often praying more for the new church than for itself .
10 with the request to have that back thing done for him
11 Oh , hang on David I think we ought to have that jumper off you .
12 It took the Local Authority one week to have that school up and with resources there to enable it to run , and that 's the sort of support and local school gets .
13 Uncle was always wanting to have that tail cut shorter and we had quite a few battles about it , but I won and Prince kept his long tail .
14 You 'll have to have that baking apple then with the sultana in it .
15 But you 've got to have that peace of mind to be able to do that .
16 ‘ Now , if you do n't mind , I 'm going to have that shower and get my head down .
17 They really do n't seem to want to have that part closed off but that part along by the river and that seemed to be almost entirely er satisfactory to everybody and er Chairman fenced off one or two other people quite well .
18 The bedroom upstairs is all ready for my brother , and I 'd prefer to have that floor to myself anyway .
19 Entrepreneurs feel they have earned their freedom , their power over their little kingdom , through their hard work and willingness to take risks — it 's galling to have that freedom curtailed by someone they do n't respect .
20 If we want to have that freedom again — to stand out against the trend and , if necessary , to be on our own — then I pray that the Government will look hard at the question of retaining the right of a single foreign policy , with the decisions made by this country alone .
21 No , I 'd have to have a radiator fitted and da you have to have that pump on , so I mean pump 'd gone all out of
22 Boeing fought to have that clause removed ; Branson , equally tenaciously , insisted it should be retained .
23 It is as a result of the citizens charter that we are able to have that expectation .
24 Every adult is presumed to have that capacity , but it is a presumption which can be rebutted .
25 We 'll push on and take you to have that head looked at . ’
26 If the father wished there to be a residence order and thus revocation of the care order it was , of course , necessary for him to have that order from the justices .
27 They hope not to have that problem this year when the World Championships are in Santiago in Chile .
28 Meant to have that water .
29 I want you to have that money as much as you do .
30 And that video can be obtained from Tavistock Church , in Tavistock Place it costs twelve pound fifty , with one pound fifty postage erm , but I think that it has been recommended to us and a number of the provinces have asked for copies to be made available and then maybe there are some churches within our provence that might like to have that video so that they can draw the attention of their churches to the work of the Council for World Mission .
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