Example sentences of "to have [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Human skeletons and a cannon-ball weighing twelve pounds have been unearthed in the garden , and the names ‘ Battle Well ’ and ‘ Battle Cottages ’ , both found close by , are unlikely to have been called this without good reason .
2 Benbulbin ought to have been called Benbulbous , for one end of the barbaric table bulged upward in a great curve , with lesser knuckle-shapes on each side .
3 Miss Mitchell died before she could write her own sequel , which was to have been called Tomorrow Is Another Day .
4 Whether the men had truly neglected their duties is unknown , though in view of the social norms of the period the drinking must have been heavy indeed to have been called ‘ excessive ’ , but employment in government service , even when obtained , was never easy to retain , and the chance of doing so was greatly enhanced by a wise choice of political friends .
5 Preston might have preferred to have been called Blackpool , all things considered .
6 Proposals for a worldwide carbon tax and the phasing out of coal-burning generators appear to have been ruled out .
7 He appears to have been ruled out although Eoin Jess WILL lead the attack despite Italian media suggestions that he 'll be left out .
8 As many as 60 political parties were believed to have been legalized or freshly created during the 13 months following the publication in December 1989 of the draft joint constitution for a unified Yemen .
9 Unrest had surfaced in Lincolnshire in late February and proved to have been fomented by Clarence and Warwick with the aim of placing Clarence on the throne .
10 Unrest had surfaced in Lincolnshire in late February and proved to have been fomented by Clarence and Warwick with the aim of placing Clarence on the throne .
11 Most of the attacks were near main roads , and the original police hypothesis was that a single madman or religious fanatic was motoring from one enclosed pasture to another ; then several horses seemed to have been assaulted in different places at the same time , although this is not certain .
12 MADONNA is the latest high profile performer to have been cited by US presidential candidate Bill Clinton in his quest to court young voters .
13 It is believed to have been carved some eight centuries ago .
14 Configured like the reticulated rib-cage of some enormous alien creature , long dead and looming over them , the vault appeared not to have been carved but rather rubbed into shape painstakingly , no doubt by the labour of slaves over many decades , millennia earlier .
15 Back on the path I came to the " chasm " said by many geologists to be a collapsed cave system and suggested by others more recently to have been carved out of a weakness in the limestone by the raging melting ice waters of a glacier .
16 We pass a council estate and a forlorn shop which seems to have been carved into the ground level of the estate .
17 Cadwallon has gathered a victorious host and appears to have been encamped on Môn ( Anglesey ) with a fleet nearby .
18 A multitude of household effects , iron bars , timbers , glass , bricks , a chimney stack , seemed to have been shaken by some giant hand and strewn any which way .
19 Others seem to have been shaken out by the recession .
20 Naturally enough , this raised all sorts of questions as to how much of the estate could in good faith be consumed by him ; and ( the question here ) in what circumstances the estate could be said to have been diminished .
21 She had changed into a gown she seemed to have been poured into , and promised to pop out of .
22 Only 500 copies are said to have been printed .
23 Recent accessions have included the first American edition of Joseph Black 's Lectures on the elements of Chemistry , ( Philadelphia : 1807 ) ; a Paris edition of John Barclay 's Argenis printed in 1621 , and an item believed to have been printed in Edinburgh about 1800 entitled ‘ A Pleasant Humourous and satyrical poem ’ , part one of which calls on young women to ‘ embrace the pure and holy state of matrimony ’ : part two ‘ contains excellent directions in the choice of a husband … ’
24 It is pleasing to report the purchase during the year from the private owner of twenty-four half-sheets of a copy of Breviarium Aberdonense ( Edinburgh , 1509–10 ) , generally known as the Aberdeen Breviary , the earliest surviving substantial work known to have been printed in Scotland .
25 Although there have been several since , he is the first known Westerner to have been eaten by a Komodo Dragon .
26 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
27 The top chasers have a habit of being able to give weight and a beating to their more humble rivals and although Barnbrook Again appears to have been given a stiff task in conceding 8lb to Rusch de Farges , his two runs already this season should give him the advantage .
28 Once again Saddam Hussein appeared to have been given an 11th-hour chance to stop the slaughter ; once again , the powerful American-led military coalition was crouched , set to pounce .
29 He was a young lawyer of about thirty in his first year in Parliament , who had sufficiently impressed someone in Government to have been given the job of Junior Minister at the Trade office .
30 He shaped well when fourth behind Tipping Tim at Cheltenham and appears to have been given an ideal build-up .
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