Example sentences of "without having been " in BNC.

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1 Soon , all twenty children were in their beds , stiff in their laundered nightgowns , without having been offered any supper , nor even as much as a sly sip of water .
2 About two days later she did die , without having been ill or , I understand , having shown any sign of failing .
3 Without it , your employer risks making decisions on the basis of inadequate information and you risk losing your job without having been given sufficient opportunity to convince management that you still have something to contribute .
4 It was like being an undergraduate a year without having been drunk .
5 Sometimes goods are delivered direct to the shop floor without having been priced .
6 Live animals are transported across the continent packed tightly into lorries , often arriving half dead without having been fed or watered .
7 One official noted that ‘ most English people die without having been inside a court , and regard it as a misfortune to be entangled in a lawsuit . …
8 To feel compassion for men without having been a separatist is dangerous .
9 Dr Paul Alexandre died in 1968 without having been able to write the book he would have liked to dedicate to Modigliani .
10 The old epithet ‘ sea gull ’ just is n't appropriate any more , now that gulls are a familiar sight inland ( without having been driven there by gales ) , and more are around in winter than in summer .
11 Dismounting on a narrow pathway with a drop of ground on one side , Johnson had a fall , and although ‘ he got up immediately without having been hurt ’ the journey was wild , hard and fatiguing .
12 He was held in the Tower of London and then at Chepstow Castle and was released in 1665 without having been tried , on the understanding that he sailed for Carolina , which gave rise to the belief that he had turned informer .
13 The hon. Member for Bournemouth , West ( Mr. Atkinson ) must have stumbled into the debate without having been nobbled by his Whips , because he gave a reasonable , rational and consensus-seeking speech , unlike the hon. Member for Barrow and Furness ( Mr. Franks ) , who gave the House his next election address for 37 minutes , but then proceeded to disappear , as though he is the only hon. Member with a constituency outside central London .
14 The 80,000,000 yen in bribes was part of a total of more than 500,000,000 yen allegedly given by Kyowa to Abe , some of which appeared to have found its way directly into the coffers of the Miyazawa faction without having been registered under the political funds control law .
15 Without having been to college or tech or university , an IBMer at Greenock can take an MBA .
16 For instance , if the directors of the smaller company have had to issue consideration shares at a significant discount to the market price in order to persuade shareholders of the larger company to accept the offer the minority may argue that not only have they been diluted unfairly but also that this has resulted in control passing into the hands of third parties and that they are , effectively , investors in an entirely different company without having been given the opportunity to accept an offer or exercise their rights of challenge under CA 1985 , s430C .
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