Example sentences of "always [be] there " in BNC.

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1 When it is done , he wrote , it should look as though it had always been there .
2 To an extent , this has always been there , but it 's important to raise the issue here because the most unfashionable person to help is often the person who is dying on your own doorstep .
3 They have always been there .
4 But Patsy and Tim wanted a few simple cupboards painted white , made to look as if they 'd always been there .
5 Before the study began , few people knew about the dolphin , but the upsurge in public interest prompted many locals to claim that they were seeing more dolphins recently than ever before , whereas in fact they had probably just taken greater notice of something that had always been there .
6 He was just there because he 'd always been there .
7 I felt as if a huge gap had appeared in my existence , because one who had always been there was there no longer , and I should never see him again .
8 In effect , the first dog has always been there as a crutch to rely upon .
9 Certainly by the last third of the nineteenth century the influences were becoming more noted although they had always been there .
10 The bells did n't work and I do n't know who put the names there , they 've just always been there .
11 Other species are less mobile , and are there simply because a river has always been there .
12 He could n't remember quite when he had first visited the shop but , like Wimbledon itself , it had always been there .
13 I suppose it 's always been there , but I had n't noticed before .
14 For anyone who could be bothered to look and listen , Moose 's potential for pulling off something as weirdly , almost classically beautiful as this has always been there .
15 GUSHIEST COMMENT : ‘ Every day I find myself becoming so relaxed with him , as if he 's always been there . ’
16 It has always been there — from the suffragettes to the Women 's Institute — but many of the older forms have become outmoded and new ones are needed which are relevant to the modern age .
17 He had always been there , like a brother , their relationship easy .
18 Part of her power is that she has always been there for her children , part of her sadness is that they have betrayed that care by what she sees as dereliction of duty .
19 THE gritty determination that took her to the top as Coronation Street 's Ivy has always been there .
20 ‘ I think it 's always been there .
21 The ultimate outcome was the straight-faced hilarity of the ‘ Abba-esque ’ videos , but it 's always been there , from the mad stage shows to the dummy Vince and Andys on TOTP .
22 Milpitas , California-based Adaptec Inc says it has no immediate response to reports that competitor Distributed Processing Technology Inc , Maitland , Florida has slashed prices on its AT amd EISA disk controller boards : fear of a price war put Adaptec 's share price under pressure last week ; the company told Reuter ‘ Competitive pressure has always been there and we 'll respond as we always have ’ to it ; Adaptec 's manufacturing organisation could cut costs and pass the benefits onto its customers ; Distributed Processing is discounting its AT adaptors to $285 from $655 .
23 Both qualities had always been there … but there does seem to have been … a change in the balance of the two .
24 It also inspires him to realize the solo part with a weightiness of tone and concentration of line that has n't always been there to complement the natural clarity of his Brahms .
25 She had never been very obedient in other areas of her life but in the tube she was a child again , learning , wary , and without that presence which had always been there in her childhood .
26 " But I 've always been there when he 's been arrested .
27 And she felt the picture had always been there , waiting only to wake .
28 In theory one might say that the problems have always been there and we have now just started to recognise them .
29 It 's always been there between us , has n't it ? ’
30 Stephen wanted the hotel to look as if it had always been there , part of the landscape , and Paul suggested a South American landscape architect , whom he had heard of .
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