Example sentences of "case [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These two different theoretical approaches became gradually more elaborate ; in the American case perhaps the most elaborate exposition was in Trager ( 1964 ) , while O'Connor and Arnold produced an extended version of their treatment in their second edition ( 1973 ) .
2 Later my father again applied for leave of absence , which Your Grace refused to grant , though you permitted me , who am in any case only a half-time servant , to travel alone .
3 In this case only the projections of the eccentric spots are visible .
4 However , in this case only the first reference to any descriptor appears in an index , while all further linkages are made from record to record ( rather as in a chain of synonyms in a direct file ) .
5 In fact in most of the experiments an infra-red filter was used and in this case only the tungsten source is relevant , as was explained earlier .
6 The following fields may then be updated ( unless the Issue has already been despatched , in which case only the contact name and the maintenance start/stop dates can be modified ) .
7 Some patients who used potent corticosteroids also used a mild compound for the face , in which case only the potent steroid was monitored .
8 When ( and only when ) five items have accumulated by being added at the end of the previous complete sentence , you reply with the type of shop — in this case obviously a chemist 's shop .
9 Now of course it would depend very much on and whether you were in a drought situation as we were until last year or whether it 's like we 've been over this last summer and early winter which is that virtually not a day has passed without we 've had some rain , in which case obviously the roof is going to get cleaned up very much quicker but I have to say that although I 've always been under the impression that it 's not a good idea to save water off a new felt roof er because of deposits that come off the mineral felt .
10 For the sake of clarity the ascending-node longitudes have all been set equal to each other , though within each group they are in any case much the same .
11 It had shaken her faith , made her afraid to form deep attachments in case somehow the pain was repeated …
12 Thus Caroline Norton , who was the subject of a trumped up crim. con. suit and who lost the custody of her children , is portrayed as a simple victim , albeit in her case not a passive one .
13 Field experiments with stuffed birds also demonstrate that different species of small birds all close in for the attack on a hated enemy — in this case not a predator but a cuckoo .
14 The Am American system is one of , as I 've said , a dispersed , limited and shared form of authority and the president is but one actor , and in Reagan 's case not a very good one , in that particular er set of arrangements .
15 The health authority agreed to settle the case just a week before it was due to go to court .
16 He was in any case always an innovator .
17 But a woman-identified psychologist , male or female , is in any case still a psychologist , and shows traces of the male-identified authority this position carries .
18 With respect to the reason for Molla Fenari 's going on the pilgrimage , he writes that an invasion of Edirne and its environs by the combined forces of Seyh Bedreddin and Duzme Mustafa led Molla Fenari to seek permission to go on the pilgrimage , though it is not clear whether Husameddin means that simply the fact of the invasion or that Molla Fenari 's supposed complicity with Seyh Bedreddin led him to decide to " remove himself from the scene : in any case both the circumstances and the chronology of events in the period are too uncertain to allow one to evaluate the argument properly .
19 As I read the judgment of the assistant recorder this was his true ratio on that part of the case wherein the absence of consideration was raised in argument .
20 In this case overfly the beacon by approximately 15 seconds .
21 I 'll get the case out the car .
22 The patron could be either a large client or a ‘ broker ’ , in the case here a firm of land agents .
23 Though open opposition , as the ‘ White Rose ’ showed , was futile against the might of the Gestapo and resistance groups were necessarily compelled to continue their work in secrecy and isolation , their hostility to the Nazi regime was now far less out of touch with the climate of opinion than had been the case even a few months earlier , before Stalingrad .
24 Equally , the projected image may itself incorporate movement , especially if shot from a fast-moving source ( a helicopter , aeroplane or whatever ) , in which case even the nearer parts of the background will be fairly distant .
25 The British view that membership of the EEC was in essence about trade persisted through the signing in 1986 of the Single European Act , though in this case even the main text that was agreed ranged rather wider than the limits that the British had set themselves .
26 Well , I 'm very uneasy about the er , principle that some people are discussing of taking sides er , er , in the internal affairs of er other countries and in this case there the Soviet Union .
27 If this were the case then a junction would only be more likely to be recalled if the subject had actually felt at risk even if they knew it to be a generally dangerous junction .
28 If that is the case then every one of us will wait till we die and we still wo n't know anything about this experience .
29 If this were to be the case then no deficiency " at all would be noticed in the behaviour of the funnel .
30 If this is not the case then an error will be reported .
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