Example sentences of "where [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Benjamin ( 1979b , p. 226 ) wrote of the surrealist movement that ‘ life only seemed worth living where the threshold between waking and sleeping was worn away in everyone as by the steps of multitudinous images flooding back and forth , language only seemed itself where sound and image , image and sound interpenetrated with such felicity that no chink was left for the penny-in-the-slot called ‘ meaning ’ ’ .
2 Benjamin ( 1979b , p. 226 ) wrote of the surrealist movement that ‘ life only seemed worth living where the threshold between waking and sleeping was worn away in everyone as by the steps of multitudinous images flooding back and forth , language only seemed itself where sound image , image and sound interpenetrated with such felicity that no chink was left for the penny-in. the-slot called ‘ meaning ’ ’ .
3 This neoelitism took issue with pluralism initially in reaction to the voting studies of Berelson and others , but the major battleground was the community power debate , where the revision of democratic theory had practical implications for research methods and theoretical implications for the definitions of power .
4 Other cases are those where the agent 's knowledge and motivation can be surmised from the circumstances of his life ( parents or children ) or where a special arrangement is made to make sure of them ( e.g. , when legislators are periodically elected , thus providing them with motives to find out what are their electors ' best interests and to satisfy them , at least where the prestige , power , and lawful remuneration of their office are their only rewards and where these rewards are themselves substantial ) .
5 They really mattered in a society remote from our own where the prestige of many professions , including the polite ranks of clergy and the armed services , catered to the motivations only of duty , vocation , or ambition .
6 On 14 December 1991 , the south-southeast-trending fracture widened ( maximum extension by April 1992 , 1.5m ) , lava was erupted close to the summit , and by 15 December activity had moved down to a site 2,400m a.s.l. where the fracture intersects the western cliff wall of the Valle del Bove .
7 Where the Think Tank tended to challenge Downing Street , the Policy Unit strengthened it .
8 ‘ Like I say , where the Milettis are concerned , rather you than me , my friend .
9 Now there 's a title which says what it is , but booksellers should beware of Longman 's Think Ahead to First certificate where the sequel ( Think First Certificate ) was published first .
10 The book was printed at the Jubbulpore Mission Press where the Reverend L.A. Crain of the ABM Press of Rangoon was superintending .
11 Where the curl 'd Vine extends her willing Arms :
12 Unbroken , that is , except for a tiny barn , a grey stone speck just visible on the last airy swell hundreds of feet up where the hillside joined the moorland above .
13 the night sky where the hillside
14 No security dealer may deal in securities where it acted as an issuing house or in securities issued by itself , or in securities issued by another company where the trader holds an equity interest in excess of 10 per cent .
15 However , an arrangement where the trader 's losses are met by a third party , not for commercial reasons but solely to encourage the trader to keep trading , is not legitimate .
16 Where the sting is not a matter of general knowledge , its defamatory capacity is judged by its impact upon ordinary readers who have such knowledge — if the plaintiff can first prove that such persons were amongst the actual readership .
17 Journalists whose by-lines are on defamatory stories can exculpate themselves by proving that the defamation was added to their copy without their consent ( a common occurrence where the sting emanates from clumsy sub-editing ) .
18 Where the skyline of the town in 1440 is composed of spires , expressive of religious aspiration , the vertical accent in 1840 is provided by factory chimneys , whose smoke ascends as incense to the new God of Mammon .
19 There was a satisfactory first quarter result in the US where the underwriting deficit for the period was down from $41.2m in sterling terms to $38.2m , with an overall improvement in the operating ratio of just over one point .
20 Beggars , the mark of over-populated underemployed Spain , were rare in an egalitarian society where the peasant held his land on a secure tenure and at a low rent ; where the hold of the anarchic nobility had long been destroyed ; where it was socially impossible to evict ; and where women were the social and legal equals of men .
21 Following an agreement between the Duke of Buccleuch and the Caledonian Railway a branch line was constructed from Slateford , on the main Carstairs–Edinburgh ( Lothian Road ) line , through generally open countryside , to West Granton where the Duke owned the Harbour .
22 Likewise Granton where the Duke of Buccleuch had constructed the harbour for his own needs in the mid 19th century .
23 At Dungavel House , where the Duke of Hamilton had his residence , there was a private landing strip .
24 Secondly , there are those with a moderate amount of damage , such as short-eared owl , spotted eagle owl and European eagle owl , where the percentage completeness is 15 to 40 per cent .
25 Only one in 500 engineers in the UK is a woman and progress is much slower than in the US where the percentage has grown from 0–2 in the 1960s , when the Civil Rights movement stirred , to 10 per cent and is growing apace .
26 You would reach your market more economically in a women 's magazine where the percentage of readers who knit is known to be high .
27 Along the Neapolitan coast , in Sicily and Calabria where the percentage of illegal building reaches 85 per cent , the beautiful sea is ringed by the blight of straggling concrete towns , without roads , water , sewage , lighting or social amenities of any sort .
28 Where the audit report is qualified and the company proposes to pay a dividend , the auditors will have to state in writing whether their qualifications is material in determining whether the company can lawfully make the proposed distribution .
29 Where the notification is made by a parent company , however , its subsidiaries do not have to make their own notification .
30 The conditions of engagement show that the valuer accepts liability in tort to the borrower and the society but this has no additional consequence where the valuer is liable to the society under his contract of employment and the society would be vicariously liable to the borrower for the valuer 's negligence if it were not already liable to the borrower under a contract .
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