Example sentences of "case the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of a positive measure for both types in this case the masquerade is not permanent and in infinite time there is full revelation of types .
2 In this case the structure of the funnel that was , supposed to channel effort in the right direction has failed to do so .
3 The lowest level of index records makes up the sequence set , and in this case the pointers are to control intervals ; the total number of control intervals indexed by one index record makes up a control area .
4 In this case the presence of oxygen and hydrogen mixed in the optimum proportions , could well have compounded the effect .
5 Since we shall be concerned only with measurements in the NIR this will not affect us here , but it should be noted that a combination of NIR and red reflectance is usually considered to give better results than in the NIR alone , and in this case the presence of senescent material would need to be considered .
6 In either case the presence of hot mantle leads to melting at the base of the lithosphere and the lithosphere as a whole becomes thinner ( Fig. 4.5(B) ) .
7 My reference in the next ensuing paragraph to the general principles of responsibility of the principal for the acts of the agent was to set the context of the consideration that in that particular case the solicitors for the creditors were equally deceived by the dishonest conduct of the son as were his own parents .
8 ‘ As far as I can see , Jerry should capture Arras the day after tomorrow , in which case the Americans can stay at home .
9 In any case the Americans regarded the Nassau agreements as " a monument of contrived ambiguity " .
10 In Hitler 's case the Americans came in and suddenly we all had something in common .
11 It goes back to the fifties when the local authority , in this case the Worthing Rural District Council would not approve the plan for a small development A Twenty Seven in near the roundabout at Manor .
12 The latter would handicap British exports and in either case the benefit to the workers would be illusory .
13 In this case the benefit from the additional information is less than the cost of obtaining it .
14 In this case the benefit from the additional information is less than the cost of obtaining it .
15 The transfer of the benefit of the contract is most commonly dealt with by way of an assignment unless the contract is being novated , in which case the benefit will be dealt with alongside the burden in the novation agreement .
16 A slight body shift by the defender is undoubtedly the best form of defence against a strong punch from a much bigger and heavier opponent , though the defender should always have a backup block ready , in case the attack is only diverted , not completely sent off course .
17 In the former case the firms are involved in a co-operative game , the problem is to reach agreement on division of the gains from co-operation .
18 On the other hand , if it integrates with the airline part of the holiday and begins to develop its own hotels and resort complexes this is a case of backward vertical integration , since in this case the holiday firm is pushing its liaisons further back into the supply network of the holiday .
19 Qazi Muhammed Aslam was summoned and he read the marriage service in the sublime presence , fixing the bride 's mihr [ jointure fee in case the marriage were later dissolved ] at five lakhs of rupees .
20 But in any case the marriage is a fake .
21 Letraset can be used , in which case the letters may be reduced to 3 mm .
22 In this case the reports show clearly that this was fully of the degree to be expected when somebody has a really severe blow from a heavy block swinging against the face .
23 In this case the illocution of the sniff may easily be formulated as ‘ I can smell gas !
24 The normal merger procedure is to ask members of the society being transferred — in this case the Guardian — for permission to merge .
25 Again , on the face of the statute , I can not see any reason why in this case the constable should do more than tell the driver the reason under section 7(3) why breath specimens can not be taken or used ; tell him that in these circumstances he is required to give a specimen of blood or urine but that it is for the constable to decide which ; warn him that a failure to provide the specimen required may render him liable to prosecution ; and then , if the constable decides to require blood , ask the driver if there are any reasons why a specimen can not or should not be taken from him by a doctor .
26 So we would have had to leave anyway , in case the cops started taking too close an interest in it .
27 We approached it cautiously , in case the cops had it staked out .
28 It was contended that in the circumstances of the case the discretion should be exercised in Mr. Steed 's favour and the charges register rectified accordingly .
29 Mr. Lloyd said that in such a case the discretion to order rectification against a bona fide purchaser , such as the building society in the present case , would be very unlikely ever to be exercised .
30 In this case the Peabody Trust will be the occupier .
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