Example sentences of "went [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 When it first went off some time ago it would n't go but one day I took I took a jelly out in a glass dish and it bonked this thing and the light came on again .
2 This went through some crises , as when the Americans dispatched marines to put down a left-wing government in the British island of Grenada in 1984 , without communicating their intentions to the British government .
3 We sat down together at a café table and went through some of them together .
4 My mind was a blank ; I automatically went through some drills and some stretching .
5 Tea hurriedly went through some of its stages , and unfortunately An Adventure came up again .
6 We went through some typical Chinese scenery with mountains and paddy-fields before we reached Canton .
7 and then Sa Saturday , well , I went , well this morning I went through some , I got up at half past six I did some
8 The Scarabae rose and went like some collective creature , some sort of amoeba with Ruth its glowing heart , into the drawing room .
9 I 'm told , though , that she went with some relief — because she would n't be around to witness what promised to be the ghastly ignominy of election day .
10 The next time I used a prostitute was a couple of years later when I went with some friends to Amsterdam .
11 Because he 'd wound so much of it around his hand , the bundle went with some weight and accuracy and then tumbled , unravelling like a falling spider , on the other side .
12 Is Well I was I 'm trying to think where I was I was at Blackpool , er I went to Blackpool for two days , I went with some friends .
13 But that one was and I heard a year ago but I never saw it till the bus driver I went with some years ago up to John O'Groats .
14 ‘ I went up some stairs the wrong way , ’ he said slowly .
15 London Life , covering a party held by the National Sun and Air Association , went into some detail in describing the magician Mr Tony Alexander , who , despite his absence of clothing , managed to Produce cards and handkerchiefs from thin air and won himself a round of applause — and a five pound bet into the bargain .
16 When I reviewed the GR-50 back in December ‘ 91 , I went into some detail regarding the fitting of the GK-2 pickup to the guitar of your choosing .
17 I mean , I think it 's terrible and , and I mean , if Mr Lilley himself went into some of the houses that I go into and see the the existence that they live , because that 's all it is , you know , it 's just an existence .
18 He went into some comedy patter , bouncing lines off Thelma .
19 he dealt with the principles involved and went into some detail of the features of different engine designs .
20 Oh we went into some of the shops they was two ninety nine .
21 By the length of the pause that followed , before he opened his eyes and looked dazedly down to see what fate had granted him , he went in some devout fear of his deserving .
22 On the first day of the Ajdabiyan ballot many young men went to some length to insist that what was about to occur was closer to Athenian practice than anything that could possibly occur in Britain ; their disappointment at the outcome of the day was movingly transparent .
23 When people wished to resist this ranking they went to some lengths to do so in a symbolic and more or less public way .
24 He had spoken to Paul Guillaume , an ambitious and knowledgeable young dealer , about Modigliani and went to some trouble to arrange an introduction .
25 Mr Justice Cave , in his summing up , went to some lengths to inform the jury that , even when the taking of a human life appears on the surface a motiveless crime , this does not automatically make it manslaughter .
26 When I lost a temporary job in a local Traffic Office , I packed my things rather than face another bleak winter and with seven shillings and sixpence in my pocket I went to some friends in south-east London .
27 ‘ We went to some trouble to explain the administrative , advertising and fundraising costs , ’ says John Tame .
28 And yet he went to some lengths to press home the validity of this attitude .
29 The Medieval church went to some lengths to specify the roles of particular stones in religious imagery .
30 We went to some art-house cinema in Brighton .
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