Example sentences of "house [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only modern items in the entire house are a television and a video .
2 Pygmalion and Heartbreak House are the work of a writer at the peak of his powers : the former written just before the first world war , the latter just after it .
3 Among the most beautifully turned pieces of furniture in the house are the wheelbacked Windsor kitchen chairs , made from yew .
4 Specialities of the house are the crab soup , made from locally caught crabs , and homemade sweets .
5 Specialities of the house are the traditional roasts and delicious old-fashioned sweets .
6 A popular speciality of the house are the freshly baked wholewheat and herb soda breads .
7 A House are the finest band Ireland has ever produced .
8 He was aware of a profoundly warm , placid , peaceful silence as if the house were a happy animal asleep in the sun .
9 The problem was that engagements like that at Pusey House were a distraction from what he considered to be his main business — that of finishing The Cocktail Party .
10 In properly regulated households they are invisible , as though the house were a magical place , ministered to by disembodied presences .
11 If this house were a score it would sing of all that is best in modern music .
12 that 's what Kevin and Cindy said their rates on that house were a hundred and something pound a year , their poll tax is nearly four hundred
13 When tax inspectors sat on high stools and wrote with quills , the sober ranges of Somerset House were an apt location for them .
14 By 1837 all that survived of the house were the garden and the avenue .
15 And behind each house were the great moors and finally the sea on each side of the island .
16 ‘ Robert Johnson , Muddy Waters and Son House were the first people that I really heard .
17 And at the back of the house were the wooden sheds that were our palaces , our temples , our ranches , our mansions .
18 Sprawling around the main house were the new wooden huts built to accommodate an increasing school population and almost encroaching on the distant row of classrooms that housed the still-private primary school .
19 Infections illness among the children and a children 's party on the same afternoon at Baberton Club House were the contributory factors to the low turn-out .
20 Infectious illness among the children and a children 's party on the same afternoon at Baberton Club House were the contributory factors to the low turn-out .
21 ‘ All that rigmarole about the house being a haunted house was just to keep people from inquiring if they saw any signs of William Egan 's habitation ? ’
22 Works by Hogarth hung in the gallery at Slains : the library contained ‘ a valuable numerous collection ’ , and Boswell renders one of his usual excellent off-the-cuff services to our understanding of eighteenth-century domestic arrangements : ‘ The noble owner has built of brick , along the square on the inside , a gallery , both on the first and second story , the house being no higher ; so that he has always a dry walk , and the rooms , to which formerly there was no approach but through each other , have now all separate entries from the gallery . ’
23 My house is a decayed house ,
24 Granby House is a seven-storey building of 1908 which was built as a cotton warehouse .
25 The core of the house is a 15th-century hall , which retains the plan of the screens passage that divided the open hall from the service areas of buttery and pantry .
26 She 's in splendid voice on chart-friendly pieces like Never Be You , while Halfway House is a harrowing look at a marriage in transition .
27 She has made him more of an Expressionist than he really was but she has realised an essential truth : that Heartbreak House is a deeply poetic play about the death of liberal hopes and the cracking-apart of a civilisation .
28 ‘ COMPTON BEAUCHAMP house is a gem privily set in a bosky lap of the bare chalk downs where they meet the fertile flats of the White Horse Vale .
29 THE RED House is a celebrated Victorian house — built for William Morris , writer , socialist , artist , craftsman and manufacturer , by his friend , the great architect Philip Webb .
30 THE American house is a domestic fortress , protected by garage doors that snap shut like a clamshell when the occupants come home each evening .
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