Example sentences of "something for [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 If you do something for what are really irrelevant reasons , you do it badly .
2 Actually , I believe that the marriage rule applies only to women , which says something for what marriage is supposed to do for them , but on that sunny Tuesday afternoon neither of the disqualifying conditions applied to me .
3 So employers , in my experience , even to the day I left , always owe the workman something for what he 's done
4 This is something for which surveys , including that of Greeley and Rossi , are not and can not be intended .
5 The polished Mr Baker , in defence of Mr Lawson 's interest rates , even brought himself to shout , something for which the conference handbook , in its Suggestions to Speakers on page 46 , says there is no need .
6 But Ann Veronica 's slow awakening , albeit eighty years ago , is not so unfamiliar to us now , when there is a sense that our own desire , our own pleasure , is something for which we have to struggle .
7 She must have done something for which she was now being made to pay .
8 He hopes to bully Mr Kinnock — Mr Major 's refusal to contemplate such a deal is absolute — into establishing PR for ever , something for which only a fifth of the electorate will have voted .
9 This led to a vast number of prosecutions , usually in the magistrates ' court , because the authorities were quite careful about alleging that less damage had occurred than would give the protesters the option of having a jury trial , something for which most of them would have very happily volunteered .
10 However , it is something for which one develops an instinct , or feel , over the years .
11 This is something for which teachers need preparation .
12 We then start to use our voluntary muscles for support — something for which they were not designed .
13 ‘ It 's a sad time for me , but this is something for which I 've been trying to prepare myself for some time , ’ he said .
14 Yet the phenomenon is familiar to us all , particularly when we discover we are responsible for something for which we had blamed others .
15 What we are fighting for is something for which Jesus himself took time out to pray for on the night he was betrayed : the unity of believers .
16 This intimacy also is something for which the world still waits .
17 Instead , the effect is to prettify the whole thing , something for which designer William Dudley needs no second invitation .
18 ‘ That is surely something for which to be thankful . ’
19 Stones in the bladder were a very common ailment in middle life , and something for which my first aid training had given me no preparation .
20 The wealth of letters and contents therein is something for which I am ever grateful .
21 Also , they were perhaps inclined to adopt the world view of their respondents at the expense of other perspectives ( such as those of young women for example ) — something for which ethnographers are often criticised .
22 He looks surprised when I ask if it is difficult to put so much energy into something for which you do n't get paid : ‘ It makes absolutely no difference at all .
23 The ordination of women was something for which I was supposed to argue .
24 But that he had a feminist analysis of society is something for which there is no evidence .
25 A whole week in Paris at Easter seemed to her something for which she would willingly have sold her soul .
26 There were ripples of self-satisfied laughter , as if to have such a mad dream was something for which they could congratulate themselves .
27 If only there were some way in which she could let him know that his feelings for her were not something for which he needed to apologise without landing them both in a situation from which they could not retreat .
28 They may be convinced of something for which there is no obvious justification — perhaps that they are being pursued by secret agents ( delusions ) .
29 ‘ That is something for which I no longer have the slightest desire , ’ he assured her .
30 This is something for which my hon. Friends and I have pressed for some time .
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