Example sentences of "something in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would tell them that they should study something in depth and really understand it .
2 But we need also to remember that there is another entitlement — the privilege of feeling at home somewhere , of understanding something in depth , of being immersed in a culture .
3 She watched as the woman muttered something in Italian and Guido responded with a couple of sharp questions .
4 He said something in Italian and even if Caroline did n't understand the words , the meaning was clear enough .
5 She had run away , not something in keeping with her character at all , but she had done so nevertheless .
6 Something in green .
7 Because Messiahship was regarded as something dynastic , something in part dependent upon a bloodline , people 's attention , as we observed before , would have been focused on a relatively small network of interlinked families who could claim descent from both David and Aaron .
8 We 're asking very poor countries to set aside land they could be cultivating food on — we have to give them something in return . ’
9 Now , in effect , if they ask something in return from the state , they are told politely to ‘ piss off ’ .
10 The organiser or sponsor will , of course , want something in return .
11 Whilst certainly they may receive something in return , there does not seem to be a pressure to balance out the gifts .
12 His work demonstrates that an older person was much more likely to be taken into the household of a relative if they were able to contribute something in return , for example doing domestic work , or looking after children while their mother went out to a job .
13 Needless to say , Hollywood does n't give away presents without asking for something in return .
14 Philip would doubtless be gratified by an explicit recognition of his position as overlord of Aquitaine and Toulouse and might well concede something in return .
15 Every time they collect our cows , they promise to give us something in return , but the next time ask for more cows .
16 ‘ I think I 'm entitled to something in return , do n't you ? ’
17 All that is necessary is that the defendant should , expressly or impliedly , ask for something in return for his promise , an act or a promise by the offeree .
18 It left Harry in no doubt that he would learn nothing from this man without offering him something in return .
19 Animals become territorial because they get something in return for their effort — food , for instance .
20 Or did the Prince expect something in return ?
21 It was an interesting thought , to learn something in order to forget it ; as Fräulein Silber had said , like learning how to ride a bike , but like many other things , too , learning to play a musical instrument for instance .
22 Sometimes there is a hidden agenda which is more innocent where , for example , someone may question you about something in order to establish your credibility or in order to weigh you up .
23 Authority is the right to do something , ie in an organisation it is the right of a manager to require a subordinate to do something in order to achieve the goals of the organisation .
24 Guillaume ( 1984 : 120ff ) shows that all substantives , adjectives , adverbs and verbs are inherently predicative because they bring to mind a lexical notion which has to be said about something in order for the word to perform its function in discourse .
25 ‘ Haggling definitely loses something in sign language .
26 There 's something in Prince 's voice , an itch that gets right into my pants , a dead centre , a Numan drone .
27 ‘ There might be something in Prince of Wales Road . ’
28 I am trying to get the Minister to remove his blinkers and do something in favour of the small person .
29 Delgado laughed and said something in Spanish .
30 At least that 's the way it is with me , if I can see something in operation I can understand it far more quickly than when someone tries to describe it ’
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