Example sentences of "mr [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 Mr Baker 's comments yesterday implied that the US government would be prepared to use its troops to back a Panamanian coup , but not this coup .
2 Mr Baker 's comments came , however , a few days before Mr Greenspan starts a four-day visit to Moscow .
3 Sources close to the Prime Minister , Yitzhak Shamir , said while he welcomed greater US involvement , he had misgivings about the wording of Mr Baker 's proposals , presented orally , because they did not ensure a clear-cut Israeli veto power .
4 Indeed , even before the argument over the date of Mr Baker 's trip to Baghdad , the Americans said that he would not be negotiating , only warning Mr Hussein of the need to submit .
5 The question during Mr Baker 's recent tour was whether Israel 's Yitzhak Shamir or Syria 's Hafez Assad would run out of excuses first .
6 The naive observer of Mr Baker 's travels might wonder why Israel wants excuses .
7 So why suspect Israel , of all countries , of trying to sabotage Mr Baker 's peace mission ?
8 As a bad sign of liberated times , the opposition tried to call a press conference on the morning of Mr Baker 's arrival , only to find it did not have official permission to do so .
9 Immigration has so far played a relatively minor part in the election campaign , and Mr Baker 's decision to raise it now will be seen as a further attempt by the Tories to prevent their support slipping , particularly among skilled workers and their families .
10 Commenting on Mr Baker 's speech , Mr Ashdown said last night : ‘ They 'll try anything .
11 Asked whether he felt comfortable about Mr Baker 's speech , considering that Sir Nicholas Fairbairn 's recent comments about immigration had been repudiated by the Tory Party , Mr Major replied that Sir Nicholas 's ‘ colourful ’ views did not represent the views of the Conservative Party .
12 The only point of Mr Baker 's tests that I can divine is that they will serve to check up on the teachers .
13 When the National Curriculum was first unveiled , in the shape of Mr Baker 's celebrated ‘ Little Red Book ’ , I wrote a piece which began : ‘ If this were genuinely a consultative document , I should reply to its chief begetter that 20 per cent of it is potentially helpful , 20 per cent unexceptionable , and 60 per cent either foolish or dangerous or both ’ .
14 The impact of the National Curriculum and all the changes it brings with it gives heads a pressing reason — just as Mr Baker 's off-the-peg allocation of incentive allowances gives them an opportunity — to review the structures and responsibilities of management in their schools .
15 Perhaps the most important task of all , for the head leading a school into the still uncertain territory of Mr Baker 's Brave New World , is to make sure that the school fills that vacuum at the centre of the legislation .
16 Amused by Mr Baker 's diplomatic skills , I composed a letter to Roald Dahl , and luckily by the end of July he had sent us a sensible letter of resignation .
17 Mr Baker 's demands for more emphasis on grammar began a ridiculous debate in the newspapers , during which most participants revealed their misunderstanding of language by taking for granted that the rules of grammar are fixed and permanent throughout time .
18 During our last seven months , as we prepared our recommendations for the secondary stages , the officials of the National Curriculum Council under their Chairman , Duncan Graham , were rewriting the attainment targets for the primary stages , supposedly in accord with the consultation exercise and Mr Baker 's own proposals about grammar .
19 At Mr Baker 's age there was little point and probably less chance of persuading him to change the habits of a lifetime .
20 Many would endorse Mr Baker 's diagnosis of the ‘ moral vacuum ’ surrounding some young people .
21 We are an investing party , er we want to invest in Britain 's future , in the skills of its people , er so that our education and training , instead of being neglected as almost the worst in Europe during the period of Mr Baker 's government , becomes one of the best in Europe .
22 Mr Baker 's party takes a different view ; they 've only to explain to the public how we 're going to succeed if we do n't invest in our own future , in our education and training and in good social services for our people , because I do n't see how it can be done .
23 On the basis of Mr Freeson 's letter , SAVE 's solicitors advised that SAVE should take out an action for mandamus , a court order to force a minister to do what he is obliged to do under statute .
24 Throughout the long inquest , which resumes on Thursday , Mr Ward 's counsel has suggested there was a sustained cover-up after her disappearance and the discovery of her severed and charred remains in the Masai Mara game reserve .
25 Yesterday , Mr Ward 's account was put to Paul Spicer , a Lonrho director .
26 I agree with most of Mr Ward 's ratings .
27 Mr Ward 's position was treated by the House of Lords as that of a trustee .
28 ‘ I was Mr Ward 's solicitor , ’ he explained .
29 The neighbours have grown used to Mr Ward 's wacky ideas .
30 Some may think all this fresh air has gone to Mr Ward 's head but undaunted , he 's already working on his next project .
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