Example sentences of "mr [noun] ' " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday 's newspaper columns on the election were devoted to Mr Dinkins ' promises to defend Jewish interests in the same way that Mayor Ed Koch did for the past 12 years .
2 The only thing was Mr Litmus ' answers contained long complicated words , names of strange substances and funny symbols that Endill did not understand .
3 Mr Barter recorded a suicide verdict and expressed his sympathy to Mr Banks ' family .
4 ‘ I go to Mr Jenkins ' school in Church Street , ’ Will said .
5 He extensively revised two other plays , Mr Nightingale ' s Diary by Mark Lemon ( 1851 ) , and The Frozen Deep ( 1857 ) by Wilkie Collins , and collaborated also with Collins on a dramatization of No Throughfare ( 1867 ) .
6 His Lordship concluded without hesitation that Mr Laws ' arguments were to be preferred .
7 However , Hannon maintains that any stiffness would have had no connection with the broken leg which led to Mr Brooks ' death .
8 But trainer Hannon said any stiffness would have had no connection with the broken leg which led to Mr Brooks ' death .
9 Mr Vickers ' secretary Dee-Dee made several telephone calls from the office here and Mrs Ingrid Watson went shopping in Oxford with her mother and can produce receipts . ’
10 But his defeated rival , the nationalist Stasys Lozoraitis , said Mr Brazauskas ' programme would not resolve Lithuania 's economic crisis and amounted to no more than cosmetic changes .
11 Voters indicated they were more interested in Mr Brazauskas ' competence in trying to drag the country out of the economic morass than in his political past .
12 One English book was entitled Mr Kneebones ' Hobbies .
13 ‘ You may have thought that things had gotten to be as bad as they could get , but Mr Koons ' show proves you were wrong , ’ wrote one particularly shrill reviewer .
14 The secular decline in the Sinn Féin vote — from a peak of 13.4 per cent in 1983 to 10 per cent on April 9 — meant that Mr Adams ' seat would surely fall at some point .
15 And in reality Mr Adams ' efforts in recent years to put a check on the IRA have come to nought .
16 Ulster Unionist Party secretary Reg Empey has labelled Mr Adams ' remarks as ‘ nothing short of a clarion call for an outright sectarian onslaught on the pro-Union community in Northern Ireland ’ .
17 Mr Hume was commenting after fellow SDLP MP Joe Hendron hit out at Mr Adams ' refusal to condemn yesterday Grand Opera House bombing by the IRA — and warned that the talks could not continue indefinitely .
18 Dr Hendron said : ‘ I 'm not saying that the talks should stop , but that there us a question mark over Mr Adams ' credibility .
19 Clarke 's solicitor said his client knew he 'd done wrong and must be punished , but he said he hoped to make amends to Mr Adams ' family in the future .
20 Speculation about clashes among Time Warner 's top management spread quickly after an announcement the day after Mr Ross ' death that the board was being reconstituted and reduced from 21 members to 15 .
21 Predictably , Mr Scollins ' plates are lively action scenes , and the available space allows a lot of useful detail on often neglected subjects .
22 Mr Seeders ' face was very red , and he looked uncomfortable .
23 Mr Reynolds ' second premonition again took place on the footplate of No 43106 leaving Bridgnorth .
24 A few weeks later Mr Walker told Ruth of a premonition that he had had the previous night — it was identical to Mr Reynolds ' .
25 About six months after Mr Reynolds ' first premonition , he experienced unexplained noises , mainly thumping and banging .
26 To assess Mr Reynolds ' fitness , various observations ( temperature , pulse , respirations , weight , urine tests ) and routine blood tests were carried out and checked to ensure that the results were within normal limits .
27 Clear fluids only were offered by mouth and during the evening a final rectal washout was given to ensure Mr Reynolds ' bowel was clear .
28 Mr Reynolds ' pre-operative assessment revealed no respiratory or circulatory problems apart from iron-deficiency anaemia , for which he received a blood transfusion .
29 During the next 12 hours observations of Mr Reynolds ' vital signs were gradually reduced in frequency as they became stable and returned almost to pre-operative levels .
30 In Mr Reynolds ' case it is necessary to repeat this preparation after the investigations to ensure a good view for the surgeon and so that faecal matter is not present to contaminate the operation site .
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