Example sentences of "mr [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 As head of that body , set up in June 1992 , Mr Skokov oversaw the work of the defence , security , interior and foreign ministries .
2 They oppose the proposed changes for political reasons , believing that they form part of the task the prime minister , Michel Rocard , has set himself to reform public sector industry — reforms that many to the left of Mr Rocard believe to be inherently unsocialist .
3 If there is any kind of swing against the Tories , the prospects for Mr Devlin look bleak .
4 A truly definitive study of Odilon Redon 's ‘ Noirs ’ still remains to be written for , sadly , the efforts of Mr Eisenman have not achieved it .
5 So Rose preaches endurance and strength , focus and discipline of the kind that lets The Amazing Mr Lifto pierce his nipples and suspend a chain and concrete block from them .
6 Individual rams bred by Mr Slade have produced 92% of E grade lambs in crossing trials .
7 No doubt , repeated election victories under the leadership of Mr Hawke owe something to the disunity of Right-wing forces in Australia , but the fresh emphases in Labour thinking are also very significant .
8 I certainly Mr Chairman welcome this paper erm and I know today that I think possibly the main reason being erm , I could be deemed also been through and through today responding to our local issue and that maybe due to May fever , I do n't know , erm , in really accepting acknowledging as I have done in the past your efforts , erm the county surveyor 's efforts for this part of Suffolk I do again bring to your attention and I do n't think is being critical in that the Barnet by bypass is part of a far bigger jigsaw and that jigsaw I say not
9 Thank you very much Mr Chairman thank you very much for giving me a chance to speak this afternoon .
10 Mr Chairman thank you for inviting me to speak and I think there 's a preliminary for what to get a member of the Committee to propose the resolution and second it .
11 Er Er this motion is not an attempt to preempt applications Mr Chairman come before us that 's Mr said time is indicating for the first time that er September might possibly be months .
12 Mrs Thatcher and Mr Lawson tell us that government policy is the last of these : Britain will become a full member of the EMS when France and Italy abolish exchange controls and when our inflation rate is similar to that of other EMS members .
13 Mr Scott give shack to Joy when Fwancis come big boy . ’
14 Miss Bonet and Mr Kravitz have a three-year-old daughter , Zoie .
15 The musings of a man as witty and erudite as Mr Moynihan contain many plums .
16 It will not matter which side you choose as the base line if you remember the rules Mr Osfrt and Mr Isflt tell us .
17 Now whether this is significant , er obviously it 's significant to people who live here er and who witness it , erm , er whether from a legal or highway point of view we are n't able to judge probably , er , does Mr Lingard or Mr Nun wish to show them
18 Mr Allenby do you want to respond to any of those points which Mr Laycock has raised ?
19 According to senior Government sources , relations with the French are now so bad Mr Major and Mr Mitterrand do not talk to each other .
20 The tribal leaders who visited Mr Mandela have also met the top ANC leaders in Zambia .
21 But would — indeed could — Mr Gorbachev go for it ?
22 As Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Mr Pacey lead a force where car crime rose faster than anywhere else in Britain .
23 If you and Mr Fairfax come to my office at ’ — he glanced at his watch — ‘ four o'clock this afternoon , bringing those items with you , we will regard the subject of your withholding them until now as closed .
24 Mr Irons and Mr Nicholson have made clear that they are not taking any view on the sale of works from the Torrie Collection until the legal issue of their position as trustees is settled .
25 Later , Mr Howie forecast that the boards would still be around in four years ' time .
26 After seeing Mr Stephens disappear around the corner , she examined the small room minutely , the books on the shelf — reading out all their titles aloud — the three prints on the wall , " The Education of the Young Raleigh " , " Derwentwater at Dawn " and " The Drunkard 's Children " — drew her boots appreciatively over the mat , picked up the jug of pencils and finally came to the oven which was next to the sink .
27 Erm I was going to pick up on a number of points that have been raised by previous speakers , but erm Mr Grigson and Mr Curtis seem to have er dealt with a few of those , erm just with regard to the the table put in by C P R E , with their figures , I would just agree with Mr Cur er Mr Grigson that there is a very substantial degree of double counting in those figures , there is also a very substantial degree of over provision in the allowance for for conversions , er past conversion rates in Greater York have averaged something like twenty nine dwellings per year , over a fifteen year period your talking about four hundred and thirty five dwellings , which is the figure that both York City Council and ourselves have have made allowance for for conversions , that compares with a figure of a thousand dwellings referred to by the C P R E and I see no foundation for that figure , erm , as I say Mr Curtis already picked up on the point about windfalls rates by Mr Thomas , erm just turning to the difference between the tables er submitted by the County Council and York City Council on the the residue within the er Greater York area , I would accept the figure , the figures put in the tables by Mr er by Mr Curtis , I think that they have picked up the the more recent planning permissions and the completions information , and they also take on board there more recent work on erm development within the city , and I I accept that table .
28 Douglas says , let's , Douglas says let's have a look at Mr Bond , let's have a look at Mr Bond click your fingers at me
29 I discovered a quiet place where I thought nobody would find me , but then I noticed Mr Rochester come into the garden too .
30 Two other NTB members , Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley , are already in the Cabinet so if Mr Redwood and Mr Forsyth join them this will reassure Tory Euro-sceptics , one of Mr Major 's political priorities .
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