Example sentences of "much more [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Within democratic societies like our own there is much more that librarians can do and should do against censorship .
2 The depreciation of sterling should help to bring this about and , although there might in time be scope for some further slight fall in interest rates , it is doubtful if there is much more that the Chancellor can do .
3 The depreciation of sterling should help to bring this about and , although there might in time be scope for some further slight fall in interest rates , it is doubtful if there is much more that the Chancellor can do .
4 Cadbury , which declined to comment on speculation , recently acquired the Gigi brand name when it bought Crush from Procter&Gamble , but it is understood it would be reluctant to pay much more than £150million for the Perrier business .
5 With every hot day in July worth so much more than one in the mists of September , the later start threatens to take the gloss of what , at first glance , seems set to be a good harvest .
6 Channel 5 will never reach much more than 70 per cent of the population , missing out , for technical reasons , much of the South .
7 An attenuation of latent inhibition with a long interval between exposure and conditioning has not always been found , even in flavour-aversion learning — Nachman and Jones ( 1974 ) and Siegel ( 1974 ) have found the latent inhibition effect to persist in strength at intervals of much more than 3.5 h .
8 ‘ This is a great mystery , ’ declares the apostle Paul , for it is so much more than two people getting together .
9 Groom ( if much more than ten years older than bride ) can look a bit of a Lothario as he escorts her down the aisle .
10 From what I had heard in advance , I expected to see nothing much more than four or five students on the course drinking regulated amounts of alcohol and then being subjected to a variety of tests that would show how their motor skills deteriorated .
11 It was fairly clear that there was going to be some smuggling as well but , even allowing for the often-repeated story that other ships lay over the horizon and sent boats in to add to the stock on board the single ship , the net profits from the ship could hardly have been much more than twice those of the slave-trading .
12 I ca n't spend much more than ten minutes a day cleaning altogether !
13 Right , well we 've only got erm not much more than ten minutes left erm , I 'm ri I 'm well we 've got to be we 've got to be early for lunch so you 'll need to go
14 ‘ You 're not likely to last much more than two minutes — certainly not two hours . ’
15 I have n't brought much more than two hundred pence . ’
16 But it deserves much more than 45 minutes .
17 And very very much more than one , that one of these would happen .
18 Only by realising that a painting is much more than one facet of a face , that it is a distillation of a multitude of images of a person , have recent audiences come to see its worth once more .
19 You can expect much more than £1,000 if you make such a beachcombing discovery .
20 When he reached the top , he stopped on the landing for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust ; there was illumination of a kind , coming down from a grimy skylight set into the angled ceiling , and it showed nothing much more than three old-fashioned doors and a bare wooden floor .
21 " It 's just that you do n't look much more than seventeen yourself . "
22 I do n't think they were anything much more than that .
23 I have never needed to watch Joan Crawford for much more than three hours .
24 He had hinted as much more than once , just vaguely , just enough to entice me so that I want to ask what , so that he knows that I want to ask .
25 the situation I would n't of thought I could of got away with anything much more than that
26 This year sales are unlikely to reach much more than one and a half million .
27 Kay O'Neill , who lives in the street , said her house was worth much more than one may think at first glance .
28 His personal situation is , then , appalling ; but the anniversary is as good an occasion as any to restate emphatically that this is about much more than one person 's predicament .
29 Erm we do n't feel you 've got to spend all that raffle prizes , erm because we do n't usually raise much more than sixty to seventy do we on the raffle ?
30 no , no , I , I can play much more than six notes of that , no
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