Example sentences of "much time [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some teachers identified an increase in paperwork and one felt that he spent too much time trying to raise the money for new projects from sources outside school before the head took the request for funding seriously .
2 I did n't waste much time trying to see what Filmer did or where he went , because I 'd quickly discovered that the Westin Hotel was sitting over an entrance to a subterranean shopping mall that stretched like a rabbit warren in all directions .
3 No examiner who has a pile of scripts in front of him is likely to spend much time trying to decipher an unreadable word or sentence .
4 The latter , riffling some more paperwork furiously and uselessly , wondered to herself if this was the reason Deana squinted so horribly — she spent so much time trying to spy on two people at once .
5 and then gradually try and re do n't , do n't spend too much time trying to reconstruct the past because that , you know , you just get further and further behind with the present stuff so you know kind of try and at least make sure that , you know , maybe if you get a job you wo n't be able to go to all the classes but at least make sure you , you are in contact with somebody who has that you can get notes off every time , you know , that erm oh hello
6 Nevertheless every choreographer creating this kind of romantic ballet today has to spend much time creating the proper gestures to replace the words , which in such ballets are never spoken but must be understood .
7 On the other hand , if the character ends up in chamber 81d you might allow him to find the ring of Verena since he has so much time to kill .
8 Neither the captive nor her would-be liberator wasted much time complaining : these were the rules of the game , and the two of them could only be patient .
9 He has probably spent as much time developing his tools as he has turning wood .
10 Geoff Barnes of Casson Beckman believes that there would be fewer problems about audit fees if the audit was regarded as a more useful exercise both by members of the public and by business : ‘ As a profession we spend far too much time looking back and not enough time looking forward . ’
11 We had spent much time looking for the right place and seemed to have explored almost every corner of the country , from Devon to Cumberland , and had almost settled on a disused mill at Fisherton-de-la-Mare , near Amesbury .
12 To pick and choose which plants they were going to eat would put them at a disadvantage since they would waste so much time looking for food , rather than eating it .
13 Finding no answers , partly because they do not spend much time looking for them , they assume that it can not be true ; the differences must be ‘ sufficiently deep and of sufficient significance to warrant , at least in a literate society , the continued emphasis on schooling and the acquisition of literacy ’ ( ibid . ) .
14 Too many people spend too much time looking for a reason , and fail to take advantage of the simple pleasures that life offers . ’
15 They actually do n't spend too much time looking at the screen , they 're actually using dumb terminals to enter data very quickly .
16 I 'm usually too absorbed in my work to spend much time looking at the other students . ’
17 ‘ It was too easy to let the mind wander and I spent too much time looking at the leaderboards instead of concentrating on my own game .
18 Bands spend too much time chasing A&R personnel and other industry figures , and not enough time chasing punters , developing a following and creating a ‘ buzz ’ .
19 This time no expression came over their faces and he knew they did not have much time to live .
20 Now Bubble , who had n't had much time to reflect on his England-experience , was obviously starting to think over his position .
21 The data analyst has to know the boundary of the data analysis exercise and how much time to devote to it .
22 This should be dealt with at an early stage , in case management needs to spend much time verifying facts and opinions in the report and making disclosures against them .
23 It is impossible to spend much time teaching Johnny to read if you have a budget of £500,000 ( $980,000 ) to worry about .
24 Do you think students are given too much time to respond to each stimulus or not enough ?
25 Rather than waste much time searching for a single , unambiguous statement specifying multimedia on which everyone will agree , we will aim instead for a working understanding of the term .
26 Juliana does n't have much time to spend on her make-up and indeed does n't need to because she has a beautiful clear skin .
27 If you do this exercise it will provide you with an idea of how much time to spend on each assignment .
28 Few of us have much time to spend on lavish flower arrangements , but this innovative little book will show you how to create stunning yet simple displays .
29 There should be suggestions on how much time to spend with the language assistant ; how much times to spend drilling with the aid of a tape-recorded ; how much time to spend on any necessary " book-work " ; how much time to spend on practising in the community .
30 There should be suggestions on how much time to spend with the language assistant ; how much times to spend drilling with the aid of a tape-recorded ; how much time to spend on any necessary " book-work " ; how much time to spend on practising in the community .
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