Example sentences of "much on [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if you had n't spent so much on a ‘ super duper ’ multi-flange guitar pedal , you could have made a profit by having more band T-shirts on sale at your gigs .
2 Even so , at £29.99 it does n't come cheap — try before you buy , and think very carefully before spending that much on a tool that 's only any use of driving and flight sims .
3 It seems strange that I can spend ten times as much on a Fender product and be provided with none of this !
4 The Liberal Democrats complained that too many schools have outside lavatories ; that the Tories were profligate in setting up a chair of maritime history at a local university ; and that they had spent too much on a ceremonial mace .
5 Evidence from the middle of the nineteenth century , in Anderson 's study of Preston , indicates that older people were involved in structures of family support very much on a reciprocal basis .
6 The sight of those slightly parted lips was almost my undoing but , with the hollow feeling of a gambler who has laid out far too much on a horse , I plunged the titbit firmly into her mouth before my resolve could falter .
7 With the older boys there are times when leave them alone is the very best policy , you can intrude too much on a pupil who knows what he 's doing ; maybe not doing it 100 per cent successfully , but you 've got to let him get to that point of destruct , as part of his learning process …
8 He is a striker very much on a revenge mission .
9 People who make such assertions do so not so much on a scientific basis , but because they have another axe to grind .
10 Tailors in 1814 were very much on a level in terms of real wages with 1795 , but in the intervening years had been significantly down on that level in eight years , and very seriously below it in 1800 and 1801 when their weekly wage would buy only half the quantity of bread it had purchased from 1777 to 1795 .
11 you make twice as much on a Friday on the door as you do on the Saturday .
12 I know it does n't mean much on a thousand pound or something silly .
13 From then on the family would continue to take lodgers to help supplement its income , but very much on an ad hoc basis and on an altogether more modest scale .
14 As you become interested in film acting it is likely that you will also become interested in film making , for the actor 's work depends so much on the technical decisions of the director and editor .
15 In the West End there seems at the moment a tendency to rely too much on the goodwill of actors which is often accompanied by a failure to maintain a true interest in what is going on for the actor .
16 In cases of harassment , the law seems to be very much on the side of the landlord .
17 Here , as often with the author of Thankyou , Fog , we may well suspect that Auden generalizes about English life too much on the basis of his own late-Edwardian childhood in a comfortable rentier household .
18 The bus stops again at the Kensington Hilton , a hotel so much on the edge of Kensington that had it been built 10 feet to the west , they should have called it the Shepherds Bush Hilton .
19 With an all-weather gallop , equine swimming pool , blood-testing lab and weighing facilities , the 35-horse power yard is run very much on the lines of Martin Pipe 's hi-tech winner factory in Somerset .
20 Many feel that the pattern of the sales , given Saatchi 's known admiration for the work of the artists involved suggests that choices are being made at least as much on the basis of the market as on the basis of taste .
21 He had grown up in a quasi-syndicalist tradition in the Liverpool docks , and his influence in the sixties had been thrown behind the growth of the shop-stewards movement and local plant bargaining on a devolved basis very much on the lines of the 1968 Donovan Report .
22 The £6 billion received in farm subsidies has put Ireland very much on the side of the French and West Germans when it comes to defending the Common Agricultural Policy .
23 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
24 ( That figure , though , depends as much on the future price of oil and the level of the dollar as on the price of credit alone . )
25 But the distinctions drawn by English law were , till the passing of the Property Acts , which came into force on 1 January 1926 , founded , not so much on the nature of the subject matter , as upon the historical accidents in the development of the English law of property .
26 Those who eschewed colour and decoration , like Spurgeon , and built what were really mammoth meeting-houses with a Greek front , were criticized for lack of taste and for concentrating too much on the preacher .
27 One must not , however , dwell too much on the Europeans .
28 The tourist trade depends too much on the cocked hat .
29 However , it is disappointing that it concentrates quite so much on the more traditional aspects of coloration , especially the coloration of textiles .
30 The final chapter describes 57 actual procedures for preparing and using various oxidation reagents , and the emphasis is very much on the synthetic usefulness of the reactions rather than on their mechanisms .
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