Example sentences of "never [vb pp] any " in BNC.

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1 Tylers have never recognized any union and are well known for the low rates and poor conditions that they impose on their workers .
2 One woman had her finger cut off in a slicing machine and never received any compensation .
3 Though lost or not , as you 've never received any official sanction there must be a strong case to be made for claiming that you 're trading illegally . ’
4 ‘ I know who John Thaw is of course , ’ he said , ‘ but I have never heard any gossip about him buying a house here .
5 Cos we 've never heard any more .
6 I 'd never heard any of my mother 's friends talk like that .
7 ‘ As for the claims about Prince Edward , I have never heard any suggestion that he 's gay .
8 Cos we 've never heard any more .
9 She was never given any form of education , and spent much of her time secluded with her two sisters and her aunt , the Duchess of Rothesay .
10 They were never given any work to do .
11 He has never asked for any favours and , on the field , he 's never given any either .
12 ‘ Not put aside , perhaps , ’ agreed Matilda , ‘ but never given any peace while a rival cause serves the purpose of every malcontent in the realm .
13 She had never given any indication of a closer relationship .
14 The problem which arises from this is that we are never given any inkling of the totality of a king 's estates , and there is a particular difficulty in trying to construct a picture of crown land by listing all references to it from the whole Merovingian period ; if kings rewarded their followers by conferring estates on them , even though the grant might not be hereditary , the pool of land must have changed constantly .
15 We were never given any long period free from a fight from the coast to a target and hack …
16 He said : ‘ It was something I 'd never given any thought to , but it was nice to be asked , and when the Ulster Branch were happy to accept my nomination I was delighted to take up the offer .
17 Because we 're not set any targets and we 've never given any feedback from higher
18 The idea of doing research and pursuing an academic career was common ground to both of them ; indeed they had never considered any alternative .
19 The houses and the district had never looked any cheaper .
20 ‘ I 've never pursued any man in my life ! ’ she flared , stung by his disparaging ‘ dear ’ as much as by what he seemed to believe .
21 Ausfahrt had never won any prizes for maths at Bremen High .
22 Well do you know , when I met , I , I 'm meeting old chaps through this very excellent marriage agency , I 've never expected any thing like it , they are marvellous , and the sent me a nice old lad , but I knew I was onto a looser when he said , of course I go to my daughter-in-law every Saturday for lunch , she absolutely insists because she says , she wants to make sure that I 'm eating properly , now this is a very healthy old man with a very good income who could afford to buy any food he wants and the fact of the matter is his that he 's son is probably not , he does n't want to upset his old dad , and it 's handy to have him to come on Saturday for lunch and be done with it as it were , but I thought surely Bernard your own sense would tell you that nobody want 's their old father and father-in-law every Saturday of their life , for lunch oh .
23 There were others , but Lucy never disclosed any of them to us . ’
24 Sidacai had never carried any excess weight , and the period of his imprisonment had stripped the flesh from his bones .
25 But any flowers there might have been in the garden would probably have been eaten by the resident goats , rabbits and God-knows-whatever-else were around at the time , for the kind-hearted Edwardses never turned any sick or homeless creature away .
26 I had never met any of them before .
27 He has never met any of them .
28 In all my professional experience of giving support to troubled marriages , I have never met any couple who were not able to make considerable strides forward if both were genuinely willing to give attention , to the issues underlying their discomfort and conflict and make the changes necessary for health and growth .
29 Friends who were not knitters had been amazed that I had never met any of the people that I would be staying with .
30 I confess I have never met any woman as shrewish or as critical as you ! ’
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