Example sentences of "think [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think for some reasons Trudy we so a rogue in there , bridge assessment records , I applies to P Way .
2 but I do n't see the real relevance and I think one of the reasons that erm I mean I , I hear it and I know that Freud was very critical of religion and I , I , I think for some very good reasons ,
3 I think that what we 're really looking for is a stimulating , exciting involvement of parents , of students , of teachers , of everyone who has an interest in the success of a school , and I think for some years at Cardinal Newman we have been trying to create this open society , which gives access at all levels to all the children and to their parents , and we do n't want to close the society in any shape or form .
4 Any others , come on , you know just think about some things your receptionist would do .
5 But if you think about it in contemporary terms I I was giving a lecture in London er a couple of weeks ago erm on the subject of erm America 's changing foreign policy under Clinton if you just think about foreign policy making and who makes it , and questions of consistency and you think about some of the crises that are going on in the world from Bosnia and so on what does the constitution tell us ?
6 Then to that further past , still up the stream Ascend and think of some divine first day In holidays from school .
7 If you have ever doubted the effect of our emotions on our physical state , just think of some of the phrases in common usage .
8 Think of some who have influenced you through their knowledge of God .
9 I think of some of them as being almost hallucinogenic .
10 Think of some of the actions which have led you to form instant opinions about others , either favourable or unfavourable , and you will realize bow quickly and easily it happens .
11 I think of some people who keenly desire a rational faith .
12 Think of some situation where one needs tact and diplomacy .
13 Think of some things that you have learnt in your life — for example , how to operate a new washing machine .
14 Every time an angler casts and curses when he loses his line , I , too , now curse as I think of some wild creature getting enmeshed in the deadly snare he has inadvertently set .
15 So think of some number right divide it by a hundred and twenty now we want to get it back to the number we first thought of so what
16 Think of some everyday things that you probably do n't even think of .
17 " Good grief , when I think of some creature coming onto the moor and doing a vile thing like this !
18 You think of some of the erm handicapped people that you know , that 's what they lack in , their movements are erratic and disjointed , they do n't have the fine coordination so life is very difficult then for them to manage .
19 think of some now .
20 Think of some questions to ask .
21 you mention mel and people think of some fat lard trundling down the right side of the pitch .
22 Erm , first time , I think of some other things that would erm , would be considered in the light of influencing erm , got the power structure , it was important , approach and and you talk to your manager
23 I mean , that , maybe that 's the way they do it , ai n't it , you know what I mean , they 'll say , he sometimes when you think of some of the things he does like that .
24 Um and er so yeah if you sort of do something along those lines um so y'know sort of find some extracts and think of some questions I would 've thought .
25 Draw a picture Y equals five X differentiate think of some coordinates .
26 Well , the next step is , we would very much like the public to let us know what they think of some of her ideas , like turning Cornmarket into northbound only , like the twenty mile an hour speed limit and some of her ideas for High Street .
27 In a review of the first edition of this book , Sara Mills took issue with me for pessimistically implying that linguistic reform is impossible ; she pointed out , and I think with some justice , that my analysis risks leaving women with no way to hit back when they are confronted with sexist language , at least until after the revolution .
28 I mean I th I think in some respects
29 I think in some ways it 's better , because girls are meant to get on better in the sciences in girls ' schools ; they 're meant to be pushed backwards a bit in boys ' schools .
30 ‘ I think in some ways he was a very despairing man . ’
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