Example sentences of "life and [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 People of my generation were brought up to admire the sacrifice of life and happiness for others , the hope that we can live up to what this means in ordinary , dull practice .
2 In this country , and indeed throughout the world , most of the productive tasks associated with sustaining day-to-day life and happiness — namely , child-rearing , care of the sick , and household management — are undertaken outside the field of paid employment and hence of the formal economy ( Stacey 1981 ) .
3 Once more , the implications of infancy for the child 's future life and happiness can not be overstated : this applies to sexual happiness no less than any other , and may well apply particularly to this area of life .
4 It was unopposed at the third reading in July , though Lord Hinchingbrooke thought it ‘ a State experiment in the life and happiness of our people and in my opinion like all State experiments , it will work havoc , bitterness and grave social damage ’ ( Cullingworth , 1979 , p. 25 ) .
5 There would be no chance to tell fitzAlan the truth , no chance to discover how he felt about her , no chance at life and happiness .
6 IN THE course of our lives , events take place , with which the passage of time , we come to realise are like milestones ; they have pointed us in a new direction , often posing a challenge which in the providence of God , when accepted , leads us deeper into his life and service .
7 Our appeal , then , is that each of you individually will feel able to use to the full your gifts , your skills and your knowledge in the life and service of the Church .
8 Cos in a very profound sense this is true , and I was so glad that it was I think a very serious part of the flow of Dr Stuart 's report that he mentioned that the er s sense of the ministry of the whole people of God as being much more than a distant objective for us , but something of absolutely essential , vital importance to the whole life and service and outreach of the church .
9 " I had a great sense of the worth of a simple person 's life and service to God . "
10 But now Eliot clearly finds aspects of London life and country life congenial .
11 Deviation from such norms and mores will not only result in a social storm around both the adult and child concerned but may interfere with the child 's normal development according to normal modes of life and upbringing — in other words may affect libidinal development as this must be expected in our culture .
12 The implications of family life and upbringing in the sexual development of the individual have been in the forefront of considerations throughout this book .
13 Melancholy reflections on art , life and liver disease
14 We have a way of talking , and thus a way of thinking , about thoughts as if they were sentences in the head ; and it is worth noting that Fodor ( for example in Psychosemantics ) regards folk psychology as providing a rough but reliable account of mental life and behaviour .
15 The more inglorious aspects of Morrison 's life and behaviour , and the undignified myth-making indulged in by his ‘ followers ’ are n't concealed , but then Jones does n't exactly run the hoary old rock conceit of romantic self-destruction out of town either : ‘ Humility was a trait which did n't sit well with Morrison ’ is about as heavy as the criticism gets .
16 Introspection of my inner life and behaviour reveals structure .
17 This essential learning process is relational , for adult life and behaviour are lived out in a wide range of relationships .
18 And if certain areas of life and behaviour are deemed suitable for morality , but not law , this suggests a view that law has internal limitations which do not relate to its pedigree .
19 They too have assumed that there is something natural and self-evident about the human individual as a separate physical body , but then , in order to distinguish their own field of enquiry from that of the physical anthropologists , they have reified their special concept of culture to a point where we end up with the implicit definition : " Culture is everything which concerns the life and behaviour of human beings which is not an aspect of human nature , as the physical anthropologists perceive it . "
20 He knew those courts and gardens , not just as places and secret short cuts , but as a whole pattern of life and behaviour .
21 Psychologists study mental life and behaviour ; psychiatrists are doctors who specialize in treating disorders of the mind .
22 She , on the other hand , having finally regained her own life and independence after years of child-rearing , wanted to turn her attention to her own needs .
23 Half a century later Dr Barnardo could write in similar tones : ‘ The East End of London is a hive of factory life and factory means that which is inimical to home …
24 Their expectations are high because many of them have , until recently , had a middle-class life and outlook ( ie. the East African Asians ) and because , unlike the British working class , they have not been ground down and prepared for their jobs by the British education system .
25 Tensions within the village would still be wholly overshadowed by a sense of common interest , a shared way of life and outlook .
26 The Hebrew scriptures imposed a law not to be binding on Gentiles , yet ( for all its moral imperfections ) not to be set in sharp antithesis to the new and more excellent way of love embodied in Jesus ' life and teaching .
27 who believed that ‘ human sexuality in all its richness is a gift of God gladly to be accepted , enjoyed and honoured , as a way of both expressing and growing in love , in accordance with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ . ’
28 The third element in a Biblical view is the life and teaching of Jesus .
29 What they really refer to and bring to expression is his meaning for us ; and their significance is to be grasped afresh , not by their simple repetition , but by returning behind them to the history of Jesus ' life and teaching , and to the message of his cross and resurrection .
30 ( I Cor. 4:7 ) This concern to preserve the unity the Spirit had created , accounts for so much in the life and teaching of the early Church .
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