Example sentences of "life [is] like " in BNC.

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1 He said to himself , but I do think life 's like that .
2 Life 's like a patchwork quilt , ’ said Breeze reflectively .
3 ‘ You know what life 's like at home , ’ Aubrey said .
4 Life 's like that , is n't it ? ’
5 Life 's like that , ’ she answered him , and he too seemed to feel that the simple words said more than they usually did .
6 ‘ But the beautiful thing is , life 's like that , it 's a journey , a search , and as long as you 're powered by love and keep on like Stuart , you do n't need the ambiguities resolved . ’
7 Life 's like that sometimes ; a real bitch .
8 James Kelman 's stories make clear what life is like in Glasgow , and what James Kelman 's life is like .
9 James Kelman 's stories make clear what life is like in Glasgow , and what James Kelman 's life is like .
10 Shot entirely on location in South Central LA , the film aims to give the first true picture of what life is like in the ‘ LA Hood ’ .
11 Another participant was an elderly Orcadian poetess prone to say very , very softly things such as ‘ life is like a glass of pure water ’ .
12 Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them , without arousing the hostility of the Warden ?
13 The key to the underlying tension here is in the line : ‘ Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them without arousing the hostility of the Warden ? ’
14 For Christians who live closely with God , life is like a festival , and with each new believer brought into reality there is joy for all believers .
15 You do n't know what my life is like .
16 THERE are a handful of clubs who know what life is like at the top and the bottom .
17 You ca n't help that , because I think life is like that .
18 Life is like invading Russia .
19 I said I know what my life is like with him , I had an injunction , plus I had my own money and I was managing better .
20 So far , we have considered what social life is like in the centres of large cities .
21 Looking at the experiences of mothers in these households provides an insight into what life is like at the sharper end of economic and social change in Britain .
22 Life is like riding , ’ he wrote to me once .
23 The starts of Flatliners ( 15 ) — including off-screen lovers Julia Roberts and Kiefer Sutherland — find a way to die for a few minutes just to see what life is like ‘ on the other side ’ .
24 She helped us try to understand just what life is like for her .
25 A trial period in a home may be the best way of finding out what day-to-day life is like , and make a difficult decision easier .
26 May I take the liberty of reminding the right hon. Gentleman of his relative 's famous quote in relation to his own personal position : that each man 's life is like a diary in which we set out to write one account and finish up writing something different and that our most humble moment comes when we compare what we have written with that which we intended to write .
27 Perhaps Sutherland 's life is like a ’ small ’ movie .
28 I doubt if life is like that .
29 and er life is like that and I think that your average omnibus or forty four home tonight are , sometimes you will get married and you have affairs and kids are born out of wedlock .
30 And tomorrow in ’ The Road Ahead ’ we follow the Compton family from Bicester as they find out what life is like without their car .
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