Example sentences of "as much as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Having spent the Vigour of my Youth and Genius under the Oppression of Sir Joshua & his Gang of Cunning Hired Knaves Without Employment & as much as could possibly be Without Bread , the Reader must Expect to Read in all my Remarks on these Books Nothing but Indignation and Resentment . ’
2 An apt combination of noun and adjective , a bon mot , an evocative phrase , is as much as an artist can hope for and a reader can expect .
3 Chatterton is as much as anything the famous painting of his death in a Holborn attic done in the 1850s by Henry Wallis — with the poet lying across the bed in a kind of frozen entrechat .
4 His religion is as much as anything the regression to a past of obedience , disobedience , sin and doom .
5 You should try to read as much as you can of the great Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists ; Shakespeare , Marlowe and Ben Jonson , Beaumont and Fletcher , Tourneur , Webster , Middleton .
6 You should read as much as you can of European and American drama , both historical and contemporary , for by doing so you will certainly set yourself up well for both drama school training and your subsequent acting career .
7 The days when the voice was trained to be a beautiful sound in itself are no longer with us ; instead , the emphasis is on a more natural approach , with each actor discovering the true quality of his/her own voice , and extending its range as much as possible .
8 Of course at school they always tell you that you should do a secretarial course , which was absolutely dreadful , and they put you off the idea of a career in the theatre just as much as they can .
9 One of the great things about drama school is what you learn to reject as much as what you actually learn .
10 In terms of the acceptance of law and order , the bulk of the catholic — nationalist remnant form a part of the civil society of Northern Ireland , though as much as a third of the remnant can defect from this consensus , as when supporting the Provisionals over the ‘ H ’ -Block prison issue .
11 It is about personal experience of particular brands as much as looking for the numbers .
12 The words took time to sink in — to herself as much as to the rest .
13 ‘ I do n't suppose it matters in the Foreign Office as much as it does in some other spheres .
14 Films need audiences as much as audiences need films , we look forward to seeing you .
15 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
16 I had n't realized just how much I 'd got out of the swing of things but everyone helped as much as they could and I soon adjusted back again .
17 A hardy herbaceous perennial , it develops a bold clump of erect leafy stems as much as 6ft tall , crowned in autumn with loose sprays of green-eyed , white rayed daisies 2in across .
18 The daisies can be as much as 5 or 6in across and are carried in terminal branched heads , a truly remarkable sight .
19 It 's important for you and the child 's parents to work together as much as possible .
20 If you find it difficult to stop drinking altogether , try to cut down as much as possible .
21 I have repeatedly stressed the importance of keeping your centre-line turned towards the opponent , yet some kicks require that you turn it away , sometimes by as much as 120° !
22 After the competition , you should attend the injury with a lighter bandage and work the joint as much as possible .
23 To think of a traitor amongst their own people lacerated him as much as the thought of Iain or Donald lying in some cell .
24 When ill , which was often , Mrs Cohen acted as his nurse , and thus their children were largely left free to do as they liked , or at least as much as their ‘ nanny ’ allowed them .
25 The dedication was a gesture of pained sorrow at his father 's death as much as an act of filial piety , and the natural way to do it was to reproduce the style and character of his essentially Edwardian father .
26 Get through as much as you can this afternoon .
27 But this historical reason is not the only one , for , if the project is to develop a materialist theory of the mind in general , thought requires a materialist analysis as much as perception .
28 Once again the importance of style needs to be stressed , given that the poundage you lift does not matter as much as the way in which you lift it .
29 Traditionally operators with insufficient passengers simply cancelled ; BR now insisted that 10 per cent of the train hire charge — in some cases as much as £500 — be paid as a non-returnable deposit .
30 In composing the Rhapsody , Rachmaninov tried to vary the Paganini theme as much as possible by differentiating the instrumental sections one from another .
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