Example sentences of "against [det] of " in BNC.

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1 In After Strange Gods his own view of savage and city is defined against that of Lawrence .
2 A mortgagee who takes the title-deeds can not register , and his position as against that of a mortgagee whose mortgage is registrable and registered is at present , for lack of judicial decision , merely conjectural .
3 ‘ The women he assaulted would think no one would believe their word against that of a respected doctor .
4 But does the dog have a legal right , against that of the trustee perhaps , that the funds henceforth be used in its interests ?
5 Enemy models attempting to fight against the chariot in hand-to-hand fighting always compare their weapon skill against that of the crew .
6 Although they had no power to punish prisoners themselves , the overseers reported any misdemeanours to staff and their word would almost always be taken against that of another prisoner .
7 In effect , country A fixed its exchange rate against that of country B by closely controlling the amount of country B 's foreign exchange available to its residents for trade and other purposes .
8 Because a decline in the value of the pound against that of other currencies would aggravate the condition , the Government is constrained to try to maintain that value ; and to do so by the inducement of very high rates of interest .
9 The difficulty with this suggestion is that all the sceptical arguments presented , and indeed any interesting sceptical argument , seem to be directed as much against the notion of justified belief as against that of knowledge .
10 This ‘ school ’ was set against that of Jovellanos whose laissez-faire individualism held property to be a natural right with the market as the regulator of the economic relationships between men .
11 Once an enveloping box is established or an old one changed ( by the addition or movement of entities ) the geometric domain model is checked against that of the functional domain .
12 My thesis is that our institutions must be so structurally altered that , so far as regards permanent legislation , the will of the majority will always prevail against that of the party composing the executive for the time being , and that , whoever may form the government of the day will be compelled to follow procedures and policies compatible with the nature of Parliamentary democracy and the rule of freedom under law .
13 While the potentially serious effect of the report required some procedural protection , this was weighed against that of the administration in ensuring confidentiality , added to which were the factors of speed and the preliminary nature of the proceedings .
14 In each case , however , the objective is to replace a process by which the value of one currency against that of another is essentially a reflection of the relative strengths of the economies which lie behind them , with a system for artificially ‘ holding ’ the price of the currency .
15 Our accident record is good when judged against that of virtually every other country , and certainly against that of easily comparable European countries .
16 Our accident record is good when judged against that of virtually every other country , and certainly against that of easily comparable European countries .
17 Regarded as more independent of the President than Akbulut had been , his appointment as Prime Minister was nevertheless interpreted by some observers as an attempt by Özal to boost the influence within the ANAP of a secular , liberal tendency against that of the Islamic fundamentalists .
18 Once they have gauged US performance against that of other nations , adjustments would be made to assure parity or leadership .
19 The judge at first instance invoked the wardship powers of the court to protect the girl : he weighed her interests against that of the publishers , and concluded that the balance came down in favour of restraining publication , since the book could be rendered harmless by excising a few paragraphs .
20 No one wants to shoot birds , but we must balance the survival of an entire species against that of a few individuals
21 A £2 million scheme between the LTA and Volkswagon means every player in the country — however good , however experienced — can match their rating against that of Bates and Durie .
22 Even if Tommy had been right on both counts and Charlie voiced those opinions , it would only be his word against that of an officer and a gentleman .
23 The teams played four matches , spread over several weeks , against each of the others , with the top two then going through to a best-of-three final .
24 If you were to script this sequence , these are the size descriptions that you would write down against each of the shots .
25 For that purpose , there must be a connection between the claims made against each of the defendants .
26 Bids were invited against each of the above themes in March and in October 1990 .
27 In addition to discussion , therefore , each Head of Department wrote down reasons for their choice against each of the most popular titles ( for full details of all responses see appendix 3 ) .
28 This means that the odds are between 630 to one and 1,176 to one against each of us dying as a result of drunken driving .
29 A several liability is a liability undertaken by the vendors independently of each other and enforceable by the purchaser against each of the vendors independent of the others .
30 ( 8 ) When an abstracted deed includes a covenant for production of documents , put a " P " in your margin against each of the abstracted documents included in the covenant and the date of the deed containing the covenant .
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