Example sentences of "in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Breathing it in through the nose , the mouth .
2 However , the proposals , kicked out of the front door last year , are now coming in through the back .
3 That evening is I crouched at the back of the slit trench , swatting the mauses and listening to the sound of shells passing over and the rain dripping steadily in through the entrance to the trench , I stared at the pool of water getting larger and hoped that the rain would soon stop , if it does n't I 'm in for an uncomfortable night .
4 I walked in through the door and , feeling a bit lost , I asked the first person I saw if he knew whether the Social Secretary was around .
5 The architects , Derek Irvine Associates , were obliged to locate the main ‘ public ’ staircase at the centre of the plan with light flooding in through the roof-light which straddles the roof ridge above , because the considerable width of the building — 11.4m ( 37ft ) — necessitated some means of introducing light into the middle if gloomy internal corridors were to be avoided .
6 At eight a.m. it was pouring with rain , and very cold , as the partners of Yeo Davis straggled in through the neat entrance , their footsteps echoing on the tiles .
7 McLeish stopped at the door of the interview room and looked in through the spy-hole , wanting to get some feel for the evidently hostile and , by all accounts , neurotic Penelope Huntley .
8 Philip jumped up to see if he could get a look in through the window .
9 Lee went out of the hide , letting rain in through the opening .
10 Dot took a chance peek in through the crack between where the two doors met .
11 Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls ' house and saw quiet furnished rooms , the playroom , kitchen , parlour , waiting to be lived in , a table set for tea , beds to be slept in , armchairs to be sat on .
12 Loopy Lil blew in through the side door like a bundle of old rags with tiny crystals of white on her woollen hood .
13 A baffled ox has horned in through the wall .
14 Simon was standing , looking in through the serving-hatch .
15 Next I 'll see his white hand , sliding in through the serving hatch .
16 Somebody 'd broke in , got in through the bedroom winder .
17 The tide was rising : it came filtering gently in through the salt-marsh vegetation , washing up the beach and receding , leaving ribbons of foam along the sand .
18 In one case the Divisional Court held that assault was committed where a woman was frightened by the sight of a man looking in through the window of her house , although there seems to have been little suggestion that the man was threatening to apply force either immediately or at all .
19 This must be him just coming in through the side door .
20 Coming in through the door
21 As Major Pond discovered , seat-holders were let in through side doors while hoi polloi had to come in through the front in the hope of getting what they could .
22 In analysing the information that comes in through the eyes , the brain works ‘ bottom up ’ , piecing together the information from individual retinal cells into larger wholes , and ‘ top down ’ , comparing pre-existing models in the brain with the visual input .
23 She skipped out of the way as the broom flicked itself busily in through the door .
24 However we were relieved ( though not as much as he ) to see his face , grinning inanely , as he climbed back in through the window .
25 Currents pass in through the sides of the shell , over the ciliated lophophore where the food is extracted , and then out through the depression in the margin of the valves .
26 He thought of telling her that he was a friend but friends did n't dive in through the front door ; they did n't have blood on their wrists nor cuts all over their faces ; they did n't have a rope burn round their necks and they wore shirts , at least until they were properly introduced .
27 He gave it a few pumps and collected an armful of logs for the stove before going in through the back door .
28 The DHAC and NILP supporters sought to get back into the chamber ; finding the doors locked , they got in through the mayor 's parlour and were joined in the gallery by Alderman Hegarty and Councillor Friel .
29 The florist was closed , and they 'd put the fresh stock away , so that when Boy looked in through the first window the flowers he saw were of silk ; all artificial , but so good that they were better and fresher than the real thing , and certainly more expensive .
30 people criticise this style and say it 's all a lie , they take one quick look in through the door and they say that we are all acting madly to conceal some great sadness from ourselves .
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