Example sentences of "in [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I wish I could find a country to live in where the facts were not brutal and the dreams not unreal , ’ wrote Shaw .
2 Here was the strong arm of the law moving in where the seemingly soft-hearted and soft-headed welfare state feared to tread , the unwitting accomplice in benefit banditry .
3 Having said this , it is worth while letting you into a secret — few examiners , in fact , work out any of the topic frequencies and decide either to fill in where the lines in the table are thin or to repeat a question on the " dead certs " .
4 I find it sad that the business of getting practitioners , medical or alternative , to provide evidence of the efficacy of the treatments they use is left largely to consumer organisations , and to a financially hard pressed charity like HealthWatch , which has to step in where the professionals seem afraid to tread .
5 ‘ I try not to be as foolish u the doctor , and not to blunder in where the Inspector wishes to go quietly .
6 Neither Maxwell nor Murdoch , so prominent in the last twenty years of the period , fits the simple pattern of a non-media organization moving in or a media one moving out .
7 in or a hundred and forty nine ninety nine or whatever it was , I ca n't remember in erm Argos
8 In droves they come in or a bunch and then another bunch comes and about er quarter to five and it 's every night .
9 And waits for this one from Tufnell , pushes forward , and it 's hit on his pad outside the off stump possibly , loud appeals from everybody , there 's a rather high-pitched vocals , I think we 've got some young people in or a lot of ladies today .
10 Fund managers are intent on doing their best for their funds and have no interest whatsoever in the businesses they invest in or the people who are producing the profits .
11 Use the information in this chapter to draw up your own advertising campaign for the shop you work in OR the shop of your dreams .
12 Simple things like the rain on the window pane , the cat mewing to come in or the noise of a bus which could be on top of you before it is seen .
13 If he walked in or the girl came to clean the grate , she 'd pretend to be talking to a tradesman : ‘ It really was more fat than lean .
14 What would happen is the prescription would be written and they 'd either get it from the chemist who would constantly have a stock coming in or the hospital .
15 Either can be got rid of by bleeding the radiator at the air vent ( page 154 ) , but if this needs doing frequently , find the cause of the air getting in or the corrosion and cure .
16 ‘ It depends entirely where you live whether it 's down to the school you are in or the local education authority .
17 Erm all I can say is the county council economic development people are are there on the ground with their helicopters and the cameras when Kimberley Clarke comes in or the Central Science Laboratory and the car people and so on of the moment .
18 We could n't do the likes of , we could n't invite Glyndebourne in or the Welsh National Opera because we just could not have that scale of operation on .
19 You see you 're you 're all talking about contributions in or an ability to pay but based on what ?
20 It was different from Adrar only in that a main street , with post office and government buildings , replaced the square , but otherwise the sepia buildings were less than my expectations .
21 These two examples of successful problem-solving when dozing or dreaming are typical only in that a feeling of certainty accompanied them — what is unusual is that these were realistic solutions .
22 You may notice that we have cheated a little in that a procedure is called to close the files and end the program without returning .
23 The two lieutenants seem to differ only in that the officer whose men are field-equipped wears brown canvas leggings .
24 Indeed , they differ from substantive rules only in that the latter have no dictionary function .
25 1156 followed its own decision in Rex v. Sheridan and applied it to facts which differed from those in Rex v. Sheridan only in that the defendant had there consented to be tried by a stipendiary magistrate and had pleaded guilty before the magistrate decided to commit him for trial on indictment .
26 Hot bands differ from fundamentals only in that the initial state of the transition is a vibrationally excited state , and not the vibrational ground state of the molecule .
27 The cover now being granted is far wider in that the exclusion relates only to damage caused by application of any tool or process to the part in the course of maintenance .
28 And the outer boundary of the greenbelt proposed by the County Council , slightly closer in than the existing outer boundary at that point , is coterminous with the boundary of the grenade throwing range .
29 I think he 's , he 's moved in cos every morning
30 That 's why he 's had them put in cos the flat 's more than house in in the only thing is I would say to you to let a heat from the kitchen and the
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