Example sentences of "most [adj] i " in BNC.

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1 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
2 His room was the most interesting I had been in up to then .
3 It 's most interesting I found it .
4 I 'll tell you this as I sit in the centre of my maze and listen to the clear song of the thrush : the murderous soul I met at Maubisson was one of the most chilling I have ever encountered .
5 The youngest of the trio — he was a-twenty-seven-year-old ex-seminarian who had been greatly under the influence of Molloy before going to Africa — began to sing , in a terrible , faltering voice , probably the most unmelodious I ever heard from a Danuese what sounded like the first lines of ‘ O , Mighty Mountain ! ’
6 I was the most nervous I have ever been .
7 We 're most fortunate I think .
8 The speech he delivered at Labour Party 's headquarters in Walworth Road , at the moment he had confidently expected to be entering Downing St in triumph , was the most moving I have heard from any British politician since Churchill .
9 It was the most feeling I saw in him , apart from when describing some bitter wrangle in the London ad agency which had caused his walk-out and propelled him here .
10 One of the most remarkable I have heard of is in the island of Timor , where there is a deposit , known as Bobonaro Scaly Clay , that extends for some 600 miles of outcrop , 60 miles wide and 1 miles thick .
11 ‘ Look , it is most urgent I speak to Mr Roirbak .
12 ‘ One of the most comely I have seen . ’
13 Within a decade , Fothergill was able to give Marshall a descriptive account of the flourishing Upton garden acknowledged , he said , ‘ by the ablest botanists we have , that there is not a richer bit of ground in curious American plants in Great Britain ; and for many of the most curious I am obliged to thy diligence and care . ’
14 Dorothea Lange — an American photographer of the Great Depression era whose portraits are among the most powerful I have ever seen .
15 The trip is one of the most beautiful I have known .
16 Erm well I think it probably most important I think .
17 ‘ The management system is the most atrocious I have experienced ’ , said one .
18 ‘ Some of the things that were said last Sunday were the most severe I 've heard in my life .
19 Compared to these regions the mountains and plains of central Spain were the despair of the traveller : ‘ the barest and most melancholy I ever beheld ’ .
20 God be my witness , that island was the most mysterious I had ever visited .
21 I had one letter , written after he got back to Darvel , in which he spoke of how our parting had affected him : ‘ You seemed so big-eyed and pathetic when I left , that it fairly caught my heart ; that exit was the most difficult I 've ever made in my life . ’
22 ‘ The title race is one of the most open I 've ever seen . ’
23 The ridge-walk was one of the most wonderful I can recall , as the sea of cloud broke up only on gaining the Creag Meagaidh plateau , and the day remained crystal clear until the last .
24 ‘ One of the most reckless I 've ever driven with , ’ she retorted vehemently .
25 Which room will be most suitable I leave to him . ’
26 Now Sir Frederick , recently the police have made great strides forward in encouraging women to come and report rape because until recently they did n't and they did n't want to they did n't want to face the shame and they did n't want to face everything else , Sir Nicholas and and again his wife which is the most worrying I think of this a women saying that that that women deserve to be raped , erm it 's going to make women less likely to come forward is n't it ?
27 ‘ This spring collection is the most radical I 've ever shown and in many ways it marks a new beginning for me .
28 While again emphasizing that he was not an engineer , McDonald described the Raybestos factory as ‘ the most modern I have seen .
29 Greenock 's are among the most handsome I 've seen , each one ‘ owned ’ ( some by veritable dragons who guard them watchfully ) .
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