Example sentences of "again [pers pn] do " in BNC.

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1 " I do n't like beefburgers and things , so now and again I do proper cooking , like stews and puddings — that 's the only exciting thing I do .
2 I take the view that , having regard to the recitals and to the terms of the order , one can read into the order itself the element of compromise , but again I do not think it is important for the decision of this case ; because the compromise , if compromise it was , was between the plaintiffs and Jack Bernardout , and I do not think it enures for the benefit of Joseph Bernardout , the defendant in these proceedings .
3 Er and again I do n't know er it 's only my thoughts that everybody 's in such a hurry today through pressure of this and pressure of that .
4 Mr Wogan arrived and had a few words with me — and everybody else — but once again I do n't recall what we talked about .
5 I mean from rig to rig things work differently and I mean on on Piper , I would say there were probably things that could have been tightened up but then again I do n't think they were part and parcel of what happened and there on July the sixth .
6 Again I do n't want to be uncharitable but Cecil Parkinson I suspect in the public view is a man somewhat but not entirely without trace .
7 Once again I do n't really think Stan Collimore had the had reason to pull that back you know .
8 But I think out of this we 'll all look back you know and things , I mean it 's a bit of a cliche , but er it 's not gon na be the same again I do n't think it is gon na be the same again in Blaenau I think people have changed .
9 With regard to Easingwold , well of course Easingwold is at present outside the area of search , erm but again I do agree with what Mr Courcier has said , it would be a doubling the size of Easingwold , Easingwold is a small market town of high environmental quality , the existing form and pattern of development within Easingwold , erm exercise constraints over the scale of future development , the central area is of a certain size , of a certain quality , it 's got a certain amount of capacity to accept further development , and I do n't believe that a a erm grafting a fur further fourteen hundred houses could be fitted in to that existing infrastructure without serious harm .
10 erm , on four , er , again I do n't know what pigeon fanciers or pigeon er , what their views are on this , but you see , this is another European directive erm , there is a risk it says of this disease being airborne , it can be airborne , and it was shown that racing pigeons could introduce the disease to commercial flocks .
11 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
12 It was ascertained that that address erm , was occupied by the family again I do n't know the .
13 Er actually my cousin 's just recently been married er then again I do n't know her phone number at this present time but I 'll , I 'll perhaps , I 'll perhaps er
14 I must admit I like a shower but then again I do like the chance to have a bath now and again
15 Right , you 've got to make it sound really interesting , let me switch this thing off cos they do n't want to hear you read again I do n't suppose
16 Oh not Catherine bleeding Zeta Jones again I do n't even think she 's nice
17 But yeah , I mean , there was so so many inconsistencies on , on the Irish witness side , you know , like what , what matey said I was , I was running out and all of a sudden I felt a pain from here on those fuck it , he 's up there , got big forearms , and big sort of muscle that size , that 's really wasted this side even after twenty years , it must of about and apparently one matey got shot in the back running away , oh no five out of the thirteen got shot in the back , which again does n't fucking mean any thing , you know that 's , but I said if there 's I R A supporters there and that , you telling me you seen where your comrades have fucking get shot , you 're not , you 're not gon na try and pick up his weapon and stuff I mean like , it was just a perfect opportunity to , to get one over on the British Forces and I , I said I do n't think yet the para 's were entirely blameless , but then again I do n't think they ever have been in any of their fucking
18 and of course you 'd , you watch it over sort of sentimental or what have you , but I , I could n't watch it again I do n't think .
19 Whether it 's slipped again I do n't know but he said he 'll look .
20 Erm but again I do n't suspect that there 's gon na be any any impact on that for the , for at least two months .
21 But there again I do n't know how much of the er , whose fault that was , whether they should of done , I mean it 's , it 's the same as Oldbury and Dunwich is n't it , how that just went into the sea , they let it happen
22 she 's asked you but then again I do n't know the ins and outs of the practice or
23 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
24 Now and that 's for my benefit alone okay , what that means is that I 'll see each and every one of you in a , a role play so the first person in each role play will be Robert , Barry and Gareth , followed by Gill , , followed by Bill , Roger and Vincent and Robert again you do not deviate from that order .
25 Yeah and then again you do n't always wan na , erm start all along , with them do you ?
26 Again we do n't know why — why the distance between the humps should govern the note .
27 So again we do need to practise coordination it needs to have lots of practice , it is of course frequently affected by certain types of illnesses er and , and again that may be inevitable but again the more past experience you 've acquired and the more , the greater your ability to fight back , even though you 're fighting a losing battle if it 's an illness , can you see it 's going to delay the difficult bit the difficult part longer , you 're going to be able to cope .
28 What I think we 'll do to start off with is to just put you on one inhaler and see how well you respond and if you only need it ev every now and again we do n't need to do anything else .
29 And we have the technology for nuclear power , yet again we do n't know what to do with it , we have n't developed it , we 've just left it and we 're creating nuclear power stations and we still have n't even decided what to do with the waste .
30 I mean are the just destroyed or are they removed and reused again we do n't know .
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