Example sentences of "man on the " in BNC.

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1 I tried to tell her about the horrible man on the doorstep but she would n't listen .
2 The man on the Belgium desk at the Foreign Office was being driven to despair by what was coming out of Brussels at the moment but Henry saw no reason to say so .
3 ‘ I 'll move in tomorrow , ’ I told the man on the desk .
4 Two days ago when they had carted out Menzies the minister and Fleming the young teacher from along the road at Dull and danced round them like children at a Halloween fire and stuck them up on horses , facing backwards , and paraded them past the door and down the road to Aberfeldy , he had flung a soft carrot himself and caught the man on the side of his face .
5 ( The image actually appeared in a somewhat different way in The Favourite Game : ‘ Concerning the bodies Breavman lost … a man on the mountain , ’ a reference to the cemetery on Mont Royale probably . )
6 She rose , crossed the room and sat with the dark man on the floor .
7 So the man on the street ceased to be the prime target of charter-train salesmen .
8 Now the reader met a suffering young man on the first page of the novel .
9 The man on the video took a rather different view , describing Honda 's decision to join the flow of Japanese car makers into Britain as an opportunity to conquer a Europe soon to be ‘ unchained and unfettered by regulations ’ .
10 A man on the run from Crumlin Road prison , Belfast , was ordered to be extradited from the Irish Republic .
11 Their whole game depends on getting the man on the ground out of the way , if necessary with the boot , if he is so unfortunate as to be between them and the ball .
12 This means for the neighbourhood man , the man on the beat , that it is difficult for him to keep a low profile .
13 In front of each man on the table was a lump of sugar and sealed in the cabin with them was a fly .
14 We are told the story of a man ( unidentified , so for convenience I shall refer to him as X ) who , though ‘ exclusively heterosexual ’ had become interested in another younger man on the occasion of finding himself in a triangular relationship with him and his ( i.e. the younger man 's ) fiancée at a dinner party .
15 There was a man on the other side of the river .
16 These vans keep coming and going and the man on the cleaning machine is having another go at cleaning the floor .
17 Her memory of the room had been of a dingy , barrack-like hall with fine plaster swags , marred by the fact that chunks of them had been missing , and they , and the room , not improved by having been painted in a weird mixture of colour : purple , pink , green , ochre , rather like the bike belonging to the old man on the S-Bahn .
18 As he was the only able-bodied man on the farm , it was a constant struggle for him to make the mortgage payments .
19 He discovered that night , in what has been called his ‘ Luftwaffe ’ speech , that his was not a voice in the wilderness ; instead , he was speaking for the man on the Clapham omnibus .
20 He added four lines to Lewis Carroll 's verse about the old man on the gate :
21 The chants were now accompanied by signs as one member after another thrust a right arm in the air to stab a pointing finger at the man on the platform .
22 For a split second the man on the sofa glanced away , towards the noise .
23 Suddenly the man on the phone was furious .
24 He is a beast of burden , an animal for sacrifice , and like a man on the way to Calvary bears on his back the means for his death .
25 Two men worked at night , placing the charge in his boat , leaving a third man on the shore with a detonator .
26 There was a man on the top loft ,
27 She began to back out of the room , trying to focus on a picture hanging behind the old man on the wall above the mantelpiece , a weird dark picture in which an angel of vengeance flew across a purple sky lit by flashes of lightning , sword in hand , and below a man with blood streaming from his neck prayed for mercy .
28 For to choose a man on the ground that you agree with him more than his rivals is quite clearly to choose a representative ; moreover , the set of people who agree with a candidate comes to look very like a party as soon as they concert their actions .
29 Julian Anderson , last year 's British winner and the fastest man on the water , finished in second place after tangling with a submerged rope with former world champion Mark Wood third .
30 ‘ She saw Ian Paisley as a responsible man on the spot who would be able to distribute the money . ’
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