Example sentences of "man be a " in BNC.

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31 Christianity also teaches that man is a special creation , related but distinct from the animals , made in God 's image and likeness ( Genesis 1:26–27 ) .
32 It seems far more reasonable to accept the great progress that Christian thinking has brought , while understanding the equally valid Christian teaching that man is a wretched sinner and needs to be changed .
33 Man is a spiritual animal and will seek spiritual satisfaction elsewhere if Christianity does not provide it .
34 The working man is a loser Whether from Beith or Tuscaloos ' , or
35 Does that mean that a man is a better machine for running than a quail , or a chipmunk or mouse ?
36 The nearest human equivalent to purring is smiling , and we also make the same mistake when we say that a smiling man is a happy man .
37 Man is a primate and is at the top of the range of species , followed by gorillas , orang-utans and chimpanzees ; tarsiers and lemurs represent the lower end of development .
38 He also considers ahi sā to be a more effective means of liberation than revolution , because , in his view , the self-sacrifice of one innocent man is a more potent force than the sacrifice of a million men who might die
39 Let us say that in the first place man is a creature responding intelligently or stupidly to his surroundings , much as an animal does .
40 1.15:WONDER MAN is a most exciting chasing prospect and I will be surprised if he is beaten this afternoon .
41 This 10th anniversary production is about Love , merely a madness , but a madness in which a beautiful young man is a beautiful young woman who is a … beautiful young man … who is …
42 It 's probably the kind of irony that old Moz himself would appreciate : the only Morrissey book actually authorised by the great man is a celebration of that hoary institution , the rock tour .
43 This man is a great mystery .
44 Remittance Man is a definite starter for the Peterborough Chase at Huntingdon next Tuesday .
45 All I 'll say is that you must be honest and , if it 's wrong and this man is a mistake , you must have the courage to tell me .
46 But I accepted what G.K. Chesterton had put so well in 1911 : ‘ A woman putting up her fists at a man is a woman putting herself in the one position which does not frighten him . ’
47 If your man is a greenie then go for the Man 's Natural Balance hair and body range from Boots .
48 I assume this man is a homosexual .
49 Dennis Wright , of Blackpool 's Licensed Taxi Operators ' Association , said : ‘ This man is a disgrace .
50 That man is a hero . ’
51 Behind Family Man is a chicken coop , a true sign of Jamaica , and in front , an old flight case rots , telling of the years of hard graft that brought this posthumous glory .
52 The man is a rogue , he stole from his own firm and now that he is serving time in Swansea Prison , I could never allow him near you , let alone marry you . ’
53 He may have established the credibility of blacks as sportsmen , but , as Harry Edwards notes in allusion to Owens : ‘ From their [ whites ' ] perspective , the only difference between the black man shining shoes in the ghetto and the champion black sprinter is that the shoe shine man is a nigger , while the sprinter is a fast nigger ’ ( 1970 , p.20 ) .
54 For man is a divided being .
55 The Magic Music Man is a video for young learners in their first year of English .
56 ‘ I promise you this man is a most extraordinary individual , ’ Chant said .
57 The man is a villain , double-dyed .
58 It is not true that ‘ man is a single-faceted individual , engaged solely in maximizing personal financial gain [ with no thought for ] fairness , honesty , respect for law , self-respect , consideration for others , and so on . ’
59 They said lots of women think a man is a mean git if he does n't insist on paying for everything .
60 Man is a creature of ‘ reason ’ , woman is intuitive ; man is ‘ powerful and active ’ , woman passive and subjective ( para. 166 ) .
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