Example sentences of "man [be] an " in BNC.

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1 After India , Poland , Munich , quick trip to Milan to see Berio and Eco , Paris , Queneau unwell , Butor planning book on Diabelli Variations , that man is an interpretative machine , Paz said , whatever you feed him he devours in a few months and a year later out comes a book .
2 So much , said Masha , for ‘ no man is an island . ’
3 Day 2 No Man Is An Island
4 No man is an island
5 No man is an island
6 No man is an island ; no smallholder can possibly find the time or produce all the skills needed for complete self-sufficiency .
7 Since no man is an island it is impossible for him not to ‘ participate in the Hi sā that the very existence of society involves . ’
8 The man is an unreconstructed fascist chauvinist … but he has great charm .
9 Man is an extension of the machine , useful only for doing things that the machine can not do .
10 ‘ We protect our members by making the buying club prove that their man is an established international , whose skills are not available in the EEC .
11 Repo Man is an insane , stupid film which poses as a satire on dead America ( cans of food and drink labelled FOOD and DRINK , TV evangelists , rich suburban punks ) , but in reality is a top silly comedy .
12 It was Charles Caleb Colton who said that man is an embodied paradox , a bundle of contradictions .
13 Man is an unwelcome intruder .
14 I doubt if this man is an exception . ’
15 The core of Barth 's theology is not that God is in principle unknowable , nor yet that man is an arrogant sinner who , left to himself , will ever be about the business of fashioning golden calves to worship , but that God has crossed the infinite gulf in Jesus Christ to claim man as his friend and partner .
16 In Malinowski 's view man is an animal , even if sometimes a relatively cultured and social one .
17 By contrast , rational man is an egotist , who maximises his own self interest and has ‘ only limited concern ’ for the welfare of others .
18 The over-valuation of man is an ‘ illusion ’ , based on the wish that man could be better and live for ever .
19 Whether that man is the prime minister , modifying his opinions to catch votes , or a bourgeois in terror lest some harmless act should be misunderstood and outrage some petty convention , that man is an inferior man and I do not want to have anything to do with him , any more than I want to eat canned salmon .
20 ‘ No man is an island . ’
21 So a white man is an evil man , whether he treats you nicely or not . ’
22 At the very end of The Order of Things Foucault makes the seemingly baffling observation that " man is an invention of recent date and one perhaps nearing Its end " .
23 And then of course , when she came into the village to buy the few things they need — it is astonishing how modest Mr Swinton 's needs seem to be , she hardly buys any comforts at all but I gather his man is an excellent gardener and they keep a pig for bacon — ’
24 ‘ The man is an ass . ’
25 ‘ Why , the man 's an institution ! ’
26 The man 's an animal . ’
27 The man 's an animal .
28 Give me a break , Merry , the man 's an ego on legs . ’
29 The young man was an obvious don .
30 The man was an animal , a brute . ’
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