Example sentences of "man [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think that the tendency of applied science is to magnify injustices until they become too intolerable to be borne , and the average man whom all the prophets and poets could not move , turns at last and extinguishes the evil at its source ’ .
2 Ahead there was marriage to a man I dearly love , the birth of a daughter and then two sons , and a full and happy family life .
3 And in this respect , it should be recalled that the man I later compared to the mechanical rabbit who runs on.rails at a greyhound track was far from being the smooth , meticulous driver he later became .
4 I 'll tell you what happened today — a man I barely know forced himself on me in a snowy field , that 's what happened today . ’
5 She 's with the man I just saw you talking to .
6 For him to brush it off in such a way — I do n't know what would make him say things like that , he 's the sort of man I just would n't expect to have …
7 After a few years of that , I found myself becoming the kind of man I always hated .
8 I 've been married for 16 years to a man I really love .
9 ‘ When you started prattling about that man I sometimes saw here before I ever went up to Oxford , ’ she said .
10 I know I never met Bill , but from all you said of him he reminded me much too much of a man I once knew and loved .
11 ‘ I 'll be glad to get to know them all , even if he is n't the man I once knew .
12 It seemed to me that the man I recently left was the only person that I did know . ’
13 A man I recently stopped in the centre of Manchester to ask if he believed in extraterrestrials replied ‘ What ? ’ then ‘ No , I do n't think so , ’ and then ‘ Please would you come back to my flat to mend my faulty radio ? ’
14 He was the first man I ever thought of partnering . ’
15 He was the first man I ever really looked at .
16 Doc Paisley was the first man I ever heard preach to me directly that I was sinner , that God loved me and that Jesus died for me …
17 George , who was eight years old when Coleridge was born , became almost a second father to him in the difficult years ahead , and was , Coleridge wrote , ‘ every way nearer to Perfection than any man I ever yet knew — indeed , he is worth the whole family in a Lump . ’
18 Coleridge thought George ‘ every way nearer to Perfection than any man I ever yet knew ’
19 By the sixth day at Racedown , Coleridge had reached a settled opinion of his host : ‘ Wordsworth is a great man , ’ he wrote to John Prior Estlin in Bristol , a compliment which Wordsworth , half a lifetime later , repaid in subtly different terms when he described Coleridge as ‘ the most wonderful man I ever knew ’ .
20 The first man I ever saw and knew was , of course , my father .
21 He caused more suffering among his allow drivers than any other man I ever saw race and the only man who could possibly come closer to him as a road-hog , even when his own position was hopeless , was Riccardo Patrese , a far more refined driver than Clay in every other respect .
22 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
23 I think you are the boldest man I ever met with , but sir , surely you ought to know that you are not now in the Haymarket .
24 ‘ He was the strongest man I ever knew but he went blind through the strain of smithing .
25 The most marvellous man I ever had in my life .
26 ‘ Did I ever tell you that you 're the most despicable man I ever met ?
27 ‘ He was the most neutral man I ever knew .
28 I was soon to realize that there was much else , and at a far deeper level , to be learnt from this man I respectfully called Mr Rocke .
29 ‘ I do n't see why I should take any more risks for a man I hardly know . ’
30 The cleansing however required for eternity does not relate to our physical dimension but related to the invisible , eternal soul of man which also bears the scars of sin .
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