Example sentences of "day [vb mod] come " in BNC.

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1 The Russian Girl finds him as sarcastic and caustic as ever : the day may come when he suffers fools gladly , but it is not yet in sight .
2 It will be decades before most countries outside Western Europe allow themselves the luxury of being nice to animals , but the earlier we lay the technical foundation the earlier that day may come .
3 He thinks that day may come in time .
4 " A day may come — I do not say it will come , but that it may — when bands of Englishmen from the Tweed to the Tamar , sickened by the prevarications of the capitalists and by the continued infiltration of Celtic elements into English life , will arise with guns in their hands .
5 Hope that the day may come when I am surprised by goodness . ’
6 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
7 In the same way that alternative therapies such as acupuncture have become accepted by the medical profession , the day might come when , to treat your flu , your doctor prescribes a piece of topaz instead of tablets .
8 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
9 If it were , the day would come when the man behind the shining table lamp would toss a fountain pen in my direction and tell me to sign a piece of paper , and I would say , what the hell , why not ?
10 At the time , Mrs Reich , then 30 , said : ‘ I never thought this day would come .
11 She was determined that her day would come .
12 ‘ I never thought the day would come when I would be ashamed of you . ’
13 For in her heart she trusted the powers of Callanish that had spoken to her and she believed the day would come when he would go free .
14 I never thought the day would come when I 'd feel sorry for the man , but I do .
15 He never thought the day would come when he would welcome the sight of those trenches .
16 I do n't blame you in these days of ever increasing prices : whoever would have imagined the day would come when we would be paying 10/ — for a loaf of bread .
17 And when the day shall come in which King Bucar arrives , order all the people of Valencia to go upon the walls , and sound your trumpets and tambours , and make the greatest rejoicing that ye can .
18 However high you choose this super resolution , the day will come when it 's not enough .
19 The task of computerising the collections of an institution like the British Museum is a substantial one , but the day will come , some years hence , when all departments have had all their documentation computerised and all their objects checked .
20 The day will come when your knowledge of the many-sided principles will come together in an almost intuitive wisdom of the whole , and your skills , transferred from head through heart to hands , will enable you to perform all your physical tasks quickly and well .
21 But maybe the day will come when they will resent the loss of their childhood years .
22 A police-horse running towards me at speed , shouts of terror from women in the crowd ; I fall down from fear and weakness — and the last thing I hear is a man shouting near me — ‘ Our day will come ! ’
23 But the day will come
24 In the seventeenth century a famous visionary and seer , locally know as the Brahan Seer , predicted ‘ That the day will come when every stream will have its bridge , balls of fire will pass rapidly up and down the Strath of Peffery , carriages without horses will cross the country from sea to sea . ’
25 Having lost two UK and four world finals , White has never lost the belief that his day will come .
26 ‘ That 'll probably happen , ’ shrugs Ed , ‘ but our day will come .
27 Their day will come .
28 " Nevertheless , " put in Sir Gregory 's youngest son Amyas , tapping the tips of his slender fingers lightly together , " there are many who believe that the day will come when the prophecy of Regiomontanus will be fulfilled . "
29 I 've just got to wait my time and think , ‘ Well , my day will come .
30 Maybe the day will come when Mark will ring me from the museum and tell me that it 's been decided that I must add to the catalogue the pedigree of the wrapping or package in question : Ice lolly wrapper ‘ Captain Marvel ’ , Walls , 1985 , found , Whitechapel Road , EC , condition : poor .
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