Example sentences of "day [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 And to look at the colourful display of begonias , geraniums and fuchsias set against the trees and shrubs , the unusual rockery plants , the miniature acres in their raised beds , linked pools and waterfall , emptying into a small bog garden , and the greenhouse brimming with plants raised from cuttings and seed , you would think the Doughtys spend hours every day keeping it all in trim .
2 Meanwhile , Andy had discovered windsurfing and that he could make more money in a day teaching it than he could in a week in his other job .
3 Referring to his decision to resign from the Cabinet over the Westland affair in January 1986 , he says : ‘ I made a statement that day making it clear that I was going to continue in active politics in any role the Conservative Party wanted .
4 Like its predecessor , Another Lonely Londoner offers a distinctly bittersweet account of the immigrant experience , in which the racism and the shitty jobs and housing are balanced by the excitement of living in a major metropolis with its siren promise of one day making it big .
5 No not if they would what spend about a whole day making it would they ?
6 If there was trouble he 'd have to spend the rest of the day putting it down and would n't be able to get on with the arms search at all .
7 Spent three hours the previous day packing it .
8 Prima facie the term will be treated as beginning at midnight between the named date and the day following it ( Meggeson v Groves [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 158 ) .
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