Example sentences of "might never [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
2 Thomas Paine was one radical who accepted the inevitability of representative rather than direct democracy , but urged that in order " that the elected might never form to themselves an interest separate from the electors , prudence will point out the propriety of having elections often " .
3 She felt she might never eat again until Betty had gone .
4 If she did not return to the Lodge she might never experience such terror again , but the memory of it would never leave her .
5 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interests as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest , longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world , can open up a whole new circle of people ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close to you , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
6 If you want to meet someone with the same hopes , ambitions and interest as yourself , and are simply not meeting them socially or at work , Dateline , the largest longest established and most successful computer dating agency in the world combines personal service with the speed and efficiency of modern technology to open up a whole new circle of compatible people for you ; interesting , suitable people who could be living very close , people who you might never meet without Dateline 's help .
7 However , those who passed through the entrance gates where Hades stood might never return to the mortal world .
8 And then she heard a gunshot and the sound of a horn , and looking back she saw , high on Ballymacadoyle Hill , her own father and brothers and a crowd of others too , and they were waving and shouting — and suddenly she understood exactly what was happening : they were giving her their last farewell ; she was leaving Ireland , and might never return .
9 But he stood there watching until the little car had disappeared , as though Ellen were setting off on a long and dangerous journey from which she might never return .
10 Finally , move into the place it occupied , and try to breathe in and ‘ own ’ the qualities it represented — even though you might never choose to express them .
11 THERE was a fear that John Patten might never make it to the Cabinet .
12 DELIGHTED transplant girl Laura Davies burst into song to celebrate a journey her parents feared she might never make yesterday .
13 Terence Place , although highly favoured for the job , had not confessed and might never do so .
14 Since both the Victoria and the Caledonian Press explicitly claimed to be offering work to women who really needed it , and who might never marry , arguments about the appropriateness of married women working were not particularly relevant , but they were made just the same : woman should be " man 's helpmeet not his rival "
15 The number might never end , and Susan would be caught for ever .
16 Yet the alternative , to sit and wait for help that might never arrive , was terrifying .
17 Congress , the empoy employment consequences of Tyneside , should Swan Hunters be allowed to close , would be disastrous , a catastrophe from which I believe Tyneside might never recover .
18 ‘ Gina , I know rape is not just a physical assault , I know Miranda might never recover from the emotional damage , I am concerned for the girl . ’
19 He had wept almost at the calling up of Michael Soames , who he thought might never dance again , but had given us a most glowing description of an Egyptian hand dance by Mr Anton Dolin .
20 Oh he might never settle down
21 It was Mr Spyros P. Skouras who let it be known that if Kazan did not testify helpfully , the pictures he had just made might never appear and he would not be directing any more .
22 If I started thinking about things … personal things in my life , I have the feeling I might never stop .
23 Whatever , it was there , waiting , waiting , waiting — for one ingredient to complete it , to set off a reaction that might never stop .
24 The last thing she could afford to do was cry , because if she started she might never stop .
25 The film includes an extraordinary moment when she orders the punishment of a man who had threatened to rape her so that he might never threaten women again
26 The paper says that former IBM chief outside auditor Donald Chandler of Price Waterhouse & Co wrote in a 1988 memo that IBM was reporting revenues that it might never realise by booking sales when products were shipped — to its own warehouses for onward staging to customers , or to dealers who could return them .
27 He might never know of her love , might never want it , but she was his wife .
28 She might never wear it , except in her bedroom , but she meant to have it .
29 It often occurred to her that she might never leave Florence again even when she had the money and means to do so .
30 One of them might never walk at all .
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