Example sentences of "might [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps a more useful analogy than might at first sight appear .
2 to the pressure in the car tyres and to keep the trailer tyres at a higher pressure than might at first seem necessary .
3 Although considerable effort has been made to develop an automatic release for the towplane , the problems are not as simple as they might at first seem and so far no really satisfactory technical answer has been found .
4 The conditions under which trade may be carried out may not be as simple as they might at first appear .
5 The passionate faith in the deep influence of the soil on man might at first sight appear to be an idea which a Marxist regime could easily harness to its own ideology , as was the Russian peasant 's deeply ingrained sense of co-operative toil on the land , a notion likewise derived from his dvoeverie .
6 Marx was , as Engels stressed in his funeral oration , first and foremost a revolutionary , and so the importance which he attached to the study of pre-literate peoples , the traditional field of anthropology , might at first seem strange .
7 The significance of the objections we have just noted is much more important than might at first appear .
8 Yet despite that authoritative vindication , the moment the PLO makes what might at first sight appear a slight regression to its old-style militancy , the US promptly joins the Israeli ‘ extremists ’ in pronouncing it a serious setback for the peace process .
9 One reason for this , which might at first sight seem paradoxical , was that , except in the aristocracy , the family unit had contracted .
10 Again , when the Irishman Scotus Eriugena , one of the two finest minds of the ninth century ( the other was Gottschalk , close student of Augustine 's works and initiator of the controversy on predestination ) , translated from Greek into Latin the Heavenly Hierarchy of Pseudo-Denis ( c .860 ) , he might at first sight have been engaged in something purely academic .
11 Indeed , the carbon-based molecules of which living things are constructed , and which they employ for life 's purposes , are so various and can be so complex that the study of biochemistry might at first sight seem quite impossible .
12 The process of proletarianisation itself is a more complex issue than might at first be supposed .
13 Not all are valid but the variables that go into product make-up justify a far greater range than that which might at first appear strictly essential .
14 In their Narratives of love and loss ( 1987 , pp.1–2 ) they have set out ‘ to understand and … explain the astonishing emotional depth and moving power of works which might at first sight appear deceptively simple to adult readers , written as they are to be read by children ’ .
15 However unpopular such a measure might at first appear , the long experience of the commissioners had shown them not only the inefficacy in most cases but also the cruelty of issuing executions against the goods of defendants — ‘ as regards the wives and children of debtors by selling their beds from under them , and the expense and oppression attending the levy ’ .
16 This is not as ridiculous as it might at first seem .
17 If there is a desire to go down this road it has to be said it may not be as easy as it might at first seem .
18 Second , the actual cost , both in time and money , can be very much less than might at first be anticipated .
19 Pressed flowers have many more uses than one might at first imagine , and as well as being used in their own right , they can also serve as the inspiration for further designs .
20 ( However , it should be pointed out that the Welsh and Scottish figures are percentages of much higher unemployment rates and are , therefore , not as favourable as might at first seem ) .
21 To write this sounds platitudinous , yet to translate that understanding into daily practice is far more difficult than might at first appear .
22 A study of a series of great square-headed brooches from southern England , of sixth century date , in which parts of the ornament are interchanged might at first argue for part-models being used to make up varying compound designs .
23 MICK CLEARY argues that no matter how anxious we are to welcome them , the arguments for SA '95 are not as persuasive as they might at first appear .
24 What might at first seem an enormous volume of fluid accounts in fact for a mere one million million millionth of the total volume of the planet .
25 The consciousness of absolute dependence , which he can also sometimes call simply , ‘ God-consciousness ’ , might at first sight seem a slender thread indeed on which to suspend a comprehensive statement of all the themes of Christian theology .
26 Taken to extremes , a Bonsai pine , cherry or plum can embrace many more elements than a mere dwarfed tree might at first suggest to the Westerner : antiquity , continuity ( the best examples have been cared for by successive generations ) , and symbolic qualities that only a study of Zen can fully bring home .
27 Compiling this listing has proved that there are more Japanese aircraft extant than might at first be envisaged .
28 This structure is not , as might at first be imagined , derived from a fantasy of power relations modelled on a medieval joust but from the phenomenological account of the constitution of knowledge that works according to the structure of a subject perceiving an object , a same/other dialectic in which the other is first constituted by the same through its negation as other before being incorporated within it .
29 SUSIE and Ian Cornell have found what might at first sight look like a most obvious corner of the fitness market — a gym for the unfit .
30 Getting in is n't as bad as it might at first appear , the cockpit is very roomy and the seats are quite comfortable for reasonable journey lengths .
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