Example sentences of "might [verb] [been] " in BNC.

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1 Carlo and McGowan stood on either side of the embalmer , he might 've been in custody .
2 He woke on top of her , she might 've been a beach , he might 've been abandoned there by waves .
3 He woke on top of her , she might 've been a beach , he might 've been abandoned there by waves .
4 The tourist might 've been cake .
5 He was looking at the ground , he seemed to be concentrating ; he might 've been trying to remember something .
6 She might 've been calculating something .
7 In the past it might 've been written off as artwank .
8 The slow-crawl music they produced might 've been linked with hardcore , but it was really ‘ the end of rock , the dying throes ’ .
9 And there 's Master Tristram pretending he 's not listening to his father , who might 've been sitting in the Fowey stocks by now if it was n't for that same father 's efforts . "
10 What they might 've been up to .
11 And I 've , I 've done that and it , there 's not one thing you can point to and say there 's no one in here because it 's several things , altogether , that indicate it , it might have been there 's no car on the drive , there might 've been , there might 've been milk still out .
12 And I 've , I 've done that and it , there 's not one thing you can point to and say there 's no one in here because it 's several things , altogether , that indicate it , it might have been there 's no car on the drive , there might 've been , there might 've been milk still out .
13 If I 'd ever done anything — made anything of myself more than a third-rate free-lance — it might 've been different .
14 Possibly because some of them might 've been councillors and knew the ways that sort of er things went on and how to get things done officially and above board .
15 In , in this one it might 've been slightly easier because everything was spelled out you had to do you had to do carpenting , you had to do electrical .
16 It might , it might 've been , you , but you did n't care where it was from , did you ?
17 And er , my expenditure might 've been erm oh I do n't know , something that I can do the sums on , five thousand three hundred .
18 I do n't know whether , whether it might 've been worthwhile just questioning a bit more about the the link because he was obviously very keen on it
19 I thought it might 've been to a Royal Garden Party
20 We might 've been , might be pleasantly surprised with these .
21 so it might 've been Rob that went out with her , but I du n no .
22 Ask , just ask him , it might 've been him .
23 That 's not bad at all cos you thought it might 've been about nine hundred with them other two did n't you ?
24 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
25 Got the ball away when it might 've been a fourth Pisa corner .
26 possible , it might 've been a joke and she had managed to convince him unclear
27 Mm it might 've been .
28 it might 've been someone from cafe phoning up
29 His early comedies might have been taken to represent an unheard-of civility from the back of beyond .
30 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
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