Example sentences of "us about [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Cross has not told us what he did with Hiatt 's stock of leg irons when their export was banned in 1984 , nor has he told us about Hiatt 's attempts to export ‘ extended ’ cuffs which the government has now included in the ban .
2 Now the tory party are forever lecturing us about choice are they not .
3 He told us about Lisa .
4 Bearing in mind the cautions of Chapter 5 , what have dowsers to tell us about sites and earth energies ?
5 When you told us about Naniel and a , you know ?
6 Claire calmly told us about Umbria 's ‘ surprising ’ popularity with vipers .
7 When Heg told us about TIE 's contacts in Brazil , we wrote to them .
8 We need to know not only the practical arrangements for the resident members , but anything you can tell us about Dominic Wetherby himself .
9 ‘ She 's the neighbour who phoned to tell us about Aunt Bertha , ’ Lucy whispered to Silas .
10 ‘ Uzzell is now unemployed and injured , and he 's made a complaint to us about Kelly , which we 'll report to the FA . ’
11 In the spring of nineteen eighty-nine , a number of voluntary organisations involved in running telephone help-lines , came to us about B T's plans to introduce compulsory itemised billing , for all customers over the next few years .
12 Go on Roy tell us about Jane .
13 If it is shown that young people who leave care and have been trained to live independently move quickly into group living situations , what does this tell us about provision for older adolescents ?
14 A kind and intelligent psychiatrist ( one of the few we ever saw outside the hospital ) came to talk to us about schizophrenia — the most feared mental illness of all .
15 There are severe limits on what simple introspection can tell us about reading , however .
16 From this pupils can go on to consider what this tells us about society in the past .
17 Normally , New Scientist heralds the beginning of April with a few jeux d'esprit , but this year it was subdued , predicting only that the world would come to an end on 5 April , a prophecy based on meat consumption figures , though it was hard to make up the mind about an item called ‘ What the woodlouse can teach us about marriage ’ .
18 What do these sites tell us about settlement in the landscape ?
19 Tell us about things that matter .
20 Tell us about things that are significant .
21 The spacecraft results also confirm that ground-based observations can indirectly tell us about fluctuations in the solar constant .
22 ‘ Over here , ’ considers Tim , ‘ they keep asking us about Manchester and the Hacienda , or the drugs .
23 ‘ Over , they keep asking us about Manchester and the Hacienda , or the drug.s I do n't want to talk about it , too many people want to go on about it — but then the Americans seem to think that The Sundays are part of the Manchester thing as well ’ — TIM BURGESS
24 ‘ Over here , ’ considers Tim , ‘ they keep asking us about Manchester and the Hacienda , or the drugs .
25 ‘ Over , they keep asking us about Manchester and the Hacienda , or the drug.s I do n't want to talk about it , too many people want to go on about it — but then the Americans seem to think that The Sundays are part of the Manchester thing as well ’ — TIM BURGESS
26 He quotes Shakespeare , informs us about whale reproduction , tries on a Glasgow accent , even sings !
27 The failure of this ‘ mechanical speech ’ approach ( which eventually led to the development of speech synthesis by rule ) has many lessons to teach us about pronunciation teaching and learning , and it will be useful , in looking at connected speech , to bear in mind the difference between the way humans speak and what would be found in ‘ mechanical speech ’ .
28 ‘ We 'd sit around in the evening , Dad in his chair , he had the comfortable one , and we 'd say to him , tell us about Disneyland , and he 'd chew on his pipe and be all embarrassed and smile , and we felt like a family .
29 John asked Dad to tell us about Disneyland again and he did n't say a thing .
30 The Book of God 's Word tells us about Jesus ' birth :
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