Example sentences of "us [that] they " in BNC.

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1 Later this evening , about 11 p.m. , the Germans mounted a bombardment of our positions which convinced us sheltering in the slit trenches that the enemy were still in front of us in strength and were telling us that they intended to stay there .
2 The new philosophers ‘ cut off and deny the noblest parts of nature and then sweep together the dust of agitated atoms and tell us that they have resolved all the phenomena in nature ’ .
3 It is the way that our feelings tell us that they have got too much to cope with at the same time and they need some help — in the jargon this is called needing some ‘ ventilation ’ .
4 They told us that they were good poachers : they never poached deer , or cut fences , or ran their dogs near in-lamb ewes .
5 Mr Nikiforuk informs us that they ‘ take their names from the busiest of all Roman goddesses , Venus …
6 Two hotspots had come loose , damaging pistons and the block , Good buy ( sic ) one Land Rover Another garage has since told us that they would never carry out a hotspot replacement on a diesel Land Rover engine and that a new cylinder head is the only solution .
7 All the Iraqi people with whom we met assured us that they were eager for negotiations in order to avoid war , but said that they would not take orders from George Bush , and that none of the parties should insist on any conditions to the holding of these negotiations .
8 No wonder farmers tell us that they are the creators and guardians of the English countryside .
9 It is no accident that many slums were built on marshes : Mosside in Manchester , the Bogside in Londonderry , and much of the East End of London , where the suffix ‘ ey ’ to many of the place-names tell us that they were islands in Saxon times : Hackney , Stepney , and , most notorious of all , Bermondsey , where , in the 1850s , the river Neckinger , ‘ the colour of strong green tea ’ , flowed round Jacob 's Island , which was used by Dickens as a setting for Oliver Twist , and was described by him as ‘ the filthiest , the strangest , the most extraordinary of the many localities that are hidden in London ’ .
10 With this historic and rewarding set EMI are able to show us that they have an artist in every way as important as Horowitz , and in many ways less affected .
11 How is it that we have blindly come to think that animals and other creatures have no inner life when their every action tells us that they do ?
12 Laboratory and field tests have been conducted of course , but a simple look at their often gaudy hues , essential to their behavioural repertoire , is enough to tell us that they too , perceive fine gradations of colour .
13 There are others — the IRA , the world financial markets , the EC , Helmut Kohl and , not to be forgotten , Saddam Hussein — who will be sure to remind us that they are still there .
14 Pilot has been contacted by R.W. Ferris , Head of Aircraft Registration at the CAA , telling us that they have a considerable number of aircraft on file where the owner 's correct current address is not known .
15 ‘ Police have told us that they do not think it was a deliberate attack on our house because I am deputy leader . ’
16 ‘ We were very alarmed when Sean told us that they needed to look at you again , and you did n't ring a second time … so we were afraid … . ’
17 In our main survey , only seven per cent told us that they had had classes about household budgeting or managing money while they were at school — and rather less than half of even this small minority said that they had been taught anything about buying on credit , or borrowing money .
18 Credit granters told us that they rarely checked information about employment because they found that many people regarded this as an invasion of privacy .
19 They tell us that they only do dope occasionally , a factor that potentially puts them at greater risk .
20 I think the principle was that if the terrorists came round the corner , then they 'd make such a noise shooting us that they 'd wake up everybody inside and give them time to lock the door , and that was really our only role .
21 Pathfinders Tours , who should have had a steam run along the North Wales Coast last Sunday behind Princess Margaret Rose , told us that they have agreed a provision new date with British Rail of August 23rd , featuring the same locomotive .
22 For instance , if children are not out of care within six weeks after reception into care , research tells us that they have a 60 per cent chance of still being in care after two years , a finding that has clear implications for the resources and inter-agency co-operation needed for many social work clients .
23 These data matter much more to us than they do to readers or authors , and so we do n't plan to publish them regularly — unless readers tell us that they want them .
24 Although the 1992 results are not public , a highly-placed source at USL tells us that they did make a small profit last year ( on revenues of $91m ) .
25 ‘ It 's obviously irritating and awkward for us that they have changed their minds , but they are perfectly entitled to do that ’ , explains George Gordon of the Old Masters department .
26 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
27 With children , the presupposition is that we take the responsibility until they show us that they want it ; with adults we assume that they take the responsibility unless they show us that they do n't .
28 Looking at their names , I wondered about their nationality , and the booklets tells us that they are in fact ‘ of mixed Turkish/Spanish parentage ’ and that from the age of about ten their training was as the Paris Conservatoire , the Frankfurt Musikhochschule , under Rudolf Serkin at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia and finally at the Juilliard School , New York .
29 They could n't prove nothing , but they warned us that they were onto us and , if they heard we was still dealing , they 'd be round like a shot , like .
30 Then one of my sons went down into the village to see if the army had left , He came back to tell us that they had destroyed everything , that they had taken all the maize , all the cows and had burnt every house in sight .
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